Episode ninth pilot in 702 Liberty Lane of Seville house... "Sherlock Holmes solves on Madame's necklace is missing? Huh?" Alvin's adopted human tiny son Dave Seville stopped to reading, but he heard the doorbell is ringing now.
Outside of the front red door... "I need you help," little Mr. Seville! His normal-size friend CGI animated remake African American mental retardation brat ten years old girl picked her tiny pal Dave Seville up and crying so loud now. "Calm down. Tell me what's wrong," Dionne? He covered his ears because Alvin's adopted human tiny son Dave Seville been deafening by his normal-size friend CGI animated remake African American mental retardation brat ten years old girl. "When I put my favorite raggedy doll on my bed and I left to the bathroom and brush my teeth, but I came back here and I noticed my favorite raggedy doll is gone!?" She explained to him recently. "Don't worry about it. I help you to solve a mystery case and find out who did this?" He understood what's his normal-size friend African American mental retardation brat ten years old CGI animated remake girl said.
At the Humphery's mansion... "What you want to talk about," Tiny Mr. Seville? Alvin's foe spoiled brat tween Bobcater Humphery opened the front white doors and takes a look at my tiny pal Dave Seville dressed up as tiny Sherlock Holmes with a bubble piper and hat on. "I ask you a question that do you steal Dionne's favorite raggedy doll this morning," Bobcater? His squeaky voice pitched. "No. I was babysitting my little brother Neville," Tiny Mr. Seville. He answered says no to him. "Sighs. Dionne, let's go now." "Oh."
Duration walking on the sidewalk at the town... "Aha! I notice a clue of solve evidence footprints on this," Dionne! My tiny pal Dave Seville used his own miniaturization magnifying glass to discovers on that. "Who belongs of them," Tiny Mr. Seville? His normal-size friend African American mental retardation ten years old CGI animated remake girl suspected. "I think it's Derek Small did it. We will interrupt him now. Let's go now." He replied to her recently.
Whatever funny happens in the alley... "I play some marble on the jacks," Ray Ray. "Look at tiny Sherlock Mr. Seville and his friend wimpy Dionne here," Derek! His tween punk dude Ray Ray points that. "Go away," Sherlock Tiny Mr. Seville. "Tell me where is Dionne's favorite raggedy doll," Derek Small!? He jumped over his purple jacket with D purple on it. "I don't care that I didn't steal stupid raggedy doll," Sherlock Tiny Mr. Seville. Alvin's enemy punk teenager Derek Small picked him from his purple jacket then drop my tiny pal Dave Seville in the trash tin box. "Oh. Dionne, take me out of stink trash box bin?" His squeaky voice pitched. "Sure! No problem," Tiny Mr. Seville. She nodded her head and repeatedly to him recently.
Return back to the next door near to Miss Croner's house... "I can't find your raggedy doll in the ant hole or bushes," Dionne. My tiny pal Dave Seville told her some bad news. "Oh! I never see my favorite raggedy doll again," Tiny Mr. Seville! His normal-size friend African American mental retardation ten years old CGI animated remake girl cries like a waterfall on him. "Whoa! Maybe someone misplaced it now. Huh?" He covered a miniaturization umbrella from getting crying of her eyes. "Dionne, you seems sad and tell me what's wrong?" My mom heard and came out from the kitchen. "I can't find my favorite raggedy doll is gone," Mom. Her brat ten years old daughter stopped to crying recently. "I found it from the laundry basket that you must be dropping this morning." She said. "Oh! My raggedy doll! I miss you so much." "Case closed. I have to go back my house now. Bye," Dionne. My tiny pal Dave Seville left from my pink house and went home. "Bye," Tiny Sherlock Mr. Seville. His normal-size friend African American mental retardation brat ten years old CGI animated remake girl waved says bye to him recently. The End!
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