To understand how we get to detention we need to go to the beginning. No, not a freshman orientation but...
My shitty preset apple alarm evokes me from my dreamless sleep. So it's already 6, huh.
Why do I always hit snooze when I know I won't fall back asleep? Oh, that's a really easy answer, its the principle of the thing! I know I have to be up early but the human brain loves to do what it shouldn't. So who am I to stand in the way of human nature. I break the rules...hehe...feels good to be a delinquent. A criminal...A menace...
"ALLY GET YOUR ASS UP! I know you heard that alarm! It's 6:15 already! That bus will leave with or without you, and I'm not draggin' your sorry ass 'cross town to bring you to school!"
Why do I even need an alarm when I get such a warm awakening from my uncle's LOUD ASS MOUTH!
"IM UP!" I respond.
"I don't hear your feet moving!"
Parting is such sweet sorrow. My only true love, to depart from thee gives me such heartache. To leave such a warm embrace...
Okay, time to start the shit show!
Coming down the stairs I find my ''lovely'' uncle over in the kitchen by the sink, coffee mug in one hand, phone in another. Sorry excuse for a breakfast.
My breakfast sits for me at the table, slightly burnt eggs on crispy toast all wrapped in a paper towel... let's see, Oh Bounty! they must be out of Sparkle at the store. It's not the Ritz but fuck how does this man live like this. My Uncle, if you couldn't tell from his eloquent vernacular, is one of our town's local news anchors. Apparently being the town's favorite means he doesn't have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to do the 5 o'clock news but you get to make slightly charred breakfast for your lovely niece and report to work before 7 to make it for the 9 o'clock news.
He sets the coffee down and turns toward me.
"AAAH! You scared the shit out of me! NO, not you" he says to the phone.
He sighs "Make sure to tell Sarah that I'm going to be a lil late today Kenneth. I'll see ya, Bye." He hangs the phone and puts it in his pocket. "Damn girl do I need to get you a bell to wear?"
"Nice suit, why are you going to be late?" I ask while I walk to the fridge.
"I'm going to be covering the Mayor's ceremony." He says picking his mug back up.
"That's a bit vague." I grab a juice pouch and close the fridge. "What the ceremony for?"
He sips. We make eye contact. I give him a disappointed look and say, "You didn't even listen to Kenneth, did you?"
He evades my look, "He's going to tell me more when he picks me up in the van."
"Mmmhmm..." I say walking out of the kitchen.
"Shut up and get out of my house."
"Where is the love?" I sing.
He sets down his mug and walks to me at the door.
"What you know 'bout that, lil girl?" He says as he gives me a quick hug and slyly opens the door.
"Alright get out."
"You're going to miss me when I'm gone." I say as I walk out backwards making finger guns at him.
"Just like how you goin' miss that bus?"
I turn to look at the end of the corner. "AHH SHIT!"
I take off running for the corner.
"BYE!" He says leaning against the door frame.
"BYE!" I say already halfway across our neighbor's yard.
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