Hey y’all this is a mini episode just making sure everyone knows that! Also this story is based in the medieval times!!!!
Luci walked out onto the docks, with her dress getting wet from the small bits of water splashing onto her. She let her hair down and she sat down at the end of the docks. She hated how her mother was sometimes. She giggled to herself as she thought some of the things her mother said “having ones dress wet is disrespectful!”she said to herself and laughed as she looked up at the sun. It was a nice day and all the boats were out on waters so she didnt have to worry about being in anyone’s way. “I wish mother let me out more i could have friends!”she said as she was only let out of the house for one hour to thirty minutes.
Luci had heard something in the water and wondered what it was so she looked down into the water and saw something big moving around the water. She tilted her head and thought for a moment. ‘what is that, shoud i see if its in trouble? Mother would be mad if i got into the water, but she would already be mad now, but what if the thing in the water is dangerous!’ She thought but kept watching the water. The thing in the water kept splashing around and seemed stuck or something like that. The water was murky and since the thing that was struggling in the water was kicking up more dirt and sand causing the water to be even more murky.
Soon Luci made a choice and then she took off part of her dress leaving her in a short dress instead of a long poofy one. She knew she would get in trouble no matter what so why not try to see what was in the water. “Umm hello is there anyone here? I know something is down here, are you stuck i can help!”she said getting into the water slowly. she didnt know who was there or even if it was someone. No one answered so Luci dived down into the water. It was murky and hard to see but she could see something with something sorta like human skin. She then went back up for air and looked around. No boats were near or coming back so she got a big breath of air and dived back down. She could barley see something, a net she quickly realized and she then dove to the bottom of the water which wasnt much and grabbed the first sharp rock before she swam back up to air. “i gotta hep whatever is stuck!”she said to herself before she then got more air and dove back down and to the net. Using the rock she started to cut the net. She looked as she saw fish scales. ‘wait what the hell! fish scales but then human skin...this makes zero sense like at all but i have to help right?!’ she thought as she kept cutting the net. She couldnt hold her breath for much longer so she went back up for air. She brethed heavily as she got out to take a short break. Soon she looked into the water hearing even more splashing and then she saw some red stuff spreading and fading into the water. “is...is that blood!?”she said as she quickly jumped back into the water and dove down cutting most of the net. She had cut the parts that had been connected to the docks so the thing that was in the net could swim away just have to deal with some net still stuck. she quickly got out of the water and looked into the waters worried. “hello…?”she asked as she soon saw a blood trail lead away and part of a tail or something swim off into the distance. “that was extreamly odd…”she said as Luci then got up grabbing the other part of the dress and walked back home. She knew mother wasnt going to be happy she was soaking wet she she had to think of a excuse.
Luci walked into her home, she had damp clothes on with slightly wet ones in her hand and her hair down wih sea water filled in it. “mother im home…i got pushed into the water today…”she said as she hated lying but didnt want to get into as much trouble as she would have. Lucis mother ran in worried and a little mad but mostly worried. Luci talked with her mother for a bit before she went off to get cleaned and a new pair of clothes on.
the next day
Luci got out of got out of bed and quickly did her chores. she couldnt wait to see what was in those water, maybe it returned or something but she couldnt wait and see. “mother! may i go swimming in the sea ill be careful and will stay right next to the docks not even going far enough to not be able to touch the docks!”she asked looking to her mother with a big smile and a please face. Lucis mother thought for a second and nodded “you may have three hours since its the weekend but you have extra chores once you get back and some more school work as well the deal?” Her mother said as Luci quickly nodded and got her bathing suit on and grabbed a towl, and some food putting them in a bag. “ill be off now mom! love you see you in a few hours!”she said then running outside of the house and to the docks. there were again no boats except for one or two but those wouldnt mind her being down at the docks for a few hours.
Luci sat down at the end of the docks and then set her things down. she was a bit surprised her mother did even allow her to go to the docks after what had happened the other day. Luci waited for whatever she helped out of the nets to come back but she started to sing to pass time. soom she heard a voice, “Your pretty good for a human!”
Luci looked around seeing nothing till she looked under the docks seeing a head poking out of the water. “huh? oh thanks! why are you under the docks? its dark under there and no fun?!!”she said as she looked around and then back at the girl under the docks. “thanks for helping me yesterday! i was in total shock so i wasnt thinking of ways to get out! if you hadnt heped i wouldve ended up in a tank or worse food!”she said with a laugh as she stayed where she was. she only showed part of her head.
“WAIT!!! that was you! oh my god i am so happy to help but if i may ask why did i see a fish tail wheni was cutting the net?”she wasked as she stayed on the docks.
“oh! im surprised you havent figured out why yet! im a MutterMaid well actully to people id be called a mermaid!”she said with a laugh as she showed luci her tail.
Luci was amazed and wanted to learn everytjing. “oh my gosh you have to tell me everything! can you swim fast, can you talk to animals? can i meet others like you! can you come onto land, can you……”Luci kept asking silly questions before she then realized she bassically filled three busses worth of questions. “sorry bout that i never get to go outside and when i do its boring!”she said with a small laugh.
“yell thats alright! I dont get to meet too many people, im Jayme by the way!”she said with a smile as she then splashed Luci. “In return wanna go for a swim?”she asked looking at luci with a smile. Jayme held out her hand for Luci to grab onto her hand.
Luci looked at Jaymes hand and then looked around . She was a bit scared that her mother would see her not be near the docks but she then grabbed Jaymes hand. “Im Luci by the way!”she said with a smile. Jayme smirked and then pulled Luci into the water, “hold on tight!”she said as she felt Luci hold onto her hand tight. “we cant go too far i gotta get back to my house!”she said as Jayme then began to swim. She made sure to stay at the surface of the water before she then dove making sure luci had air before they dove.
Luci was amazed at the fish and coral in the water. she felt so free and wild. Soon after maybe 30 minutes of being in the water Jayme took Luci back to the docks.
Luci got out of the water and back onto the docks. she grabbed her towel and then put her feet in the water. “That was so amazing and cool and beautiful!”she said with joy and excitment in her eyes. “Thanks, i amd glad you enjoyed it! hey can we talk tomorrow i really enjoyed talking with you?”Jayme said as she knew that Luci had to get going soon. Luci nodded and then realized that it was almost at hour three of her being out at the docks. “of course! but i do have to go! i enjoyed talking with you!”she said as soon Luci left.
Jayme smiled watching Luci leave before she heard the voice of her brother. “huh…?she said looked behind her. Jaymes big brother wasnt happy that she walk talking to a human and she could tell. “Please dont tell anyone!??”Jayme said as she swam up to him with worry in her face. Her brother looked at her and nodded “fine but you have to do all my chores! Now lets get going before any more people see us!”he said as they swam off into the water.
The next day
Jayme was on her way to the docks to hope to see Luci. She was passing a boat and forgot how close she was to the water. A net soon was thrown at Jayme quickly catching her Jayme started to panic. They were slightly close to the docks and she hoped that maybe Luci was there and could hear her. “LUCI HELP!! LUCI!” She yelled loudly but knew that wouldnt help. “why didnt i bring my knife!”she said to herself as she was soon dragged onto the boat. the crew was surpried and excited to use Jayme for money by showing her to the public. The boat headed towards the docks. The crew had put Jayme in a box full of water. Jayme was panicing and was scared of what might happen.
Luci was walking to the docks, she did have to go to the market later and the docks were close to the market so she didnt have to worry aboutanything really. The girl walked to the docks and then saw a boat coming in. She then walked to the end of the docks and looked into the water. Jayme wasnt there so she just waited often looking back at the boat that was now unpacking stuff. She saw a huge box that the crew pulled off the boat. “could you guys please get the thing out of the box and make sure that it is alive!” one of the crew members said as two others went to the box pulling out Jayme who was stuck in a net.
Luci saw Jayme and she sprung up from where she was. She didnt know what to do and was freaking out. she watched the crew memebers walk off to grab more stuff. Luci tried to think for a momment and try to figure a way to help Jayme. Luci grabbed her bag seeing she still had the sharp rock from before but she didn know how to get to Jayme without the crew seeing her. Luci got close to Jayme as close as she could without looking subspisous. “Jayme want to help but i dont know hwo!?”she said quietly seeing that Jayme wasnt doing the best.
From being in the small box, and now not being in the water she wasnt doing well. she heard and saw Luci but she didnt know what to do either. “i...i dont know either…”she said with a few tears rolling down her face. Jayme was scared she may never see her brother or mom again. “Hand me the rock and try to distract them ill try to get out and into the water…”she said very quietly weakily.
Luci nodded and got up walking past Jayme tossing her the rock before she walked t the crew memebers. “ummm…..i think i may have broken a bone…”she said not knowing what to say as she just wanted to distract the crew long enough for Jayme to get lose and get into the water. The crew wlaked over and tried to help Luci to see if she was alright and if she knew where her house was and to see if they could help her arm which she acted as if she was in pain.
Jayme was so scared and tried cutting the net the best she could. she wanted to get out of here and just be free. “im so stupid i should have listened to my brother!”she said as she cut some of the net. She soon cut just enough to swim under the docks. Jayme jumped and dragged herself to the edge of the docks. Soon the crew saw Jayme getting away and the quickly rushed over. Jayme looked back and then she jumped into the water but one of the crew members grabbed part of the net that was still attached to her, causing Jayme to be half way in the water and half way out. “Luci help!”she said weakily as she couldnt get the net off.
Luci quickly ran over and pushed through the crew and then saw the one that was holding onto the net that Jayme was stuck in. Luci quicky no thinking she pushed the guy that was holding nto the net. Jayme then swam off but she went to the shore where the rocks were so she could hide as she had cut her tail pretty bad from the rock when she tried cutting the net. The crew looked at Luci with pissed faces and Luci just ran off. She didnt care to grab her things as she just ran not looking back at them. “Jayme! JAY!”she yelled running along the streets. She soon saw something at the shore in the rocks and knew it was Jayme. Luci ran over and down to the rocks and climbed over some seeing that there was blood and then Jayme. “OH MY GOD! are you ok! please dont die please dont!”she said and ran over and sitting down next to Jayme who was half in the water and half not. Luci ripped part of her dress and wrapped Jaymes cuts. they were pretty bad as Jayme also had some from when she got stuck at the docks when Luci helped her.
After a hour Jayme woke up. she quinced in pain but she looked up to Luci who had stayed there waiting for her to wake up. “you can leave you know…” Jayme said with a slight laugh as she didnt want to seem weak around Luci. “WHAt! no i couldnt just leave you! your like my only friend ive ever had since well never mind…”she said looking at Jayme. “well here i have to get back home too, so how about you help me out to the water and i can go on from there i know my brother is wondering where i am by now!”Jayme said as Luci nodded and helped Jayme back out to the water. Jayme knew that both of them were going to be in trouble. “luci? i know you probably wont be able to hang out with me or outside anymore since of this so please dont try anything else stupid! i know i only met you like three days ago but i really like you and i want to keep hanging out with you…”she said blushing slightly. Jayme was leaning onto Luci so she didnt hurt herself any more than she already was. Luci looked at Jayme and blushed slightly “even if my mom stops me from going outside i will always find a way out, i like you too and i wanna keep on getting to know you!”she said as she was scared of what might happen. Jayme thought for a second and then took the risk and she then kissed Luci. Luci was taken by surprise and she kissed back. She didnt know why she was feeling like this or why she didnt hate this.
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