What is the universe about in this story?
It is a world exactly like the one we all know, with only one difference. There is a second gender in the human being, Men and women have a secondary gender from birth, which can be, Alpha, Beta or Omega. This development in humans was inherited from ancient beasts that resembled werewolves millions of years ago and was transformed into what we now know as humanity.
The Betas
Men or women who have Beta as a second gender, remain exactly the same, without change at all, 90 out of 100 people are Betas. The Beta man can impregnate Alpha, Betas and Omegas women just as he can also impregnate Omegas men. Beta women can only breed and become pregnant by Alpha and Betas men and Alpha women. The Beta do not suffer from Zeal and are not affected by pheromones of any other gender. They are considered the average and common human being in the different statuses; their lifestyles are common and ordinary, without advantages or disadvantages.
The alphas
The men and women who have Alpha as the second gender are considered the highest human beings on any scale, 5 out of 100 people are Alphas. Alpha men can get pregnant Alfas, Betas and Omegas women very easily since they are very fertile, they can also make Omegas men pregnant. Alpha women can impregnate Omegas men and Alpha women, Betas and Omegas. Alphas do not suffer from a heat cycle but this is immediately awakened by feeling the pheromones of an Omega with the zeal. There are inhibitors to control the zeal of an Alpha but these are the most expensive on the market. Alphas are generally powerful and successful people, owners of large companies and generally millionaires.
The Omegas
The men and women who have Omega as the second gender, considered slag in humanity, 5 out of 100 people are Omegas. Both male and female omegas cannot get anyone pregnant and tend to get pregnant very easily, especially if they are in zeal and have unprotected relationships with an Alpha. Omegas suffer from a zeal cycle which will reach them once for at least 5 or 7 days, the effects of the zeal are similar to the zeal of an animal, they produce strong pheromones that attract and dangerously affect Alphas, they must constantly take medications that work as inhibitors to calm pheromones and not risk being violated by an out-of-control Alpha. Omegas can hardly find a job or finish college; they are despised and treated like trash.
• There are couples destined between an Omega and an Alpha. If these destined couples are close to each other, the zeal of the Omega is immediately awakened regardless of the state of the cycle and the Alpha will react without resistance to the pheromones of its destined Omega. It is said that 1 in 100 people find their intended partner.
• Alphas can bite the nape of an Omega that has not been bitten by another alpha, in this way it would mark the Omega forever. The bitten Omega cannot have sex with anyone other than the Alpha who bit him, if he tries strong symptoms of nausea, dizziness and vomiting would appear instantly from the act. Labeled omegas stop undergoing the zeal cycle but must maintain physical contact with the Alpha that marked them, otherwise they could die from abandoned mark syndrome.
• Omegas often wear leather collars with a padlock to avoid being bitten against their will.
• Alphas can release their pheromones at any time they want; this is usually done to intentionally awaken the zeal of an Omega.
• If a Beta bites an Omega it will not affect anything, it will be like a common bite.
• There are statuses between Alphas and Omegas. Normal Alphas and Omegas, have normal and typical characteristics of an Alpha and an Omega, however, a Dominant Alpha or a Dominant Omega are born with a natural resistance to pheromones.
• A dominant Alpha will not lose control before the pheromones of an Omega with zeal.
• A dominant Omega will not awaken his zeal before an Alpha that tries to induce him.
• An Omega can be born to Alpha parents.
• An Alpha can be born to Betas parents or Beta father and Omega mother.
• An Omega man who gives birth to a baby is considered a mother.
• An Alpha woman who impregnates a Beta or Omega is considered a father.
• There is a legend that says that if a dominant Alpha bites a Beta, there is a possibility that the bitten Beta will become an Omega.
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