In a faraway land where humans rarely came, there lived the elves. Wise noble creatures skilled in hunting. It was said that they perfected hunting with ranged weaponry. They are not greedy creatures, in fact old text even credits them for giving men the groundwork of a weapon that would soon evolve into guns. They were known to be the most generous species in the entire world.
But make no mistake of abusing their good will. Although they are kind, elves are still hunters through and through. Being skilled in ranged combat any elf can string and fire an unstrung bow in less than three seconds. Imagine what they can do with high caliber weaponry? Because of the times only a few elves carry bow and arrow with mostly the elder generation with the majority of the younger generation bringing guns. This does not mean any young elves could display such feats as their predecessors. It is a mandate to every generation of elves to master all forms of ranged combat.
An elf's mastery is witnessed by many in a ceremony that serves as a rite of passage for all elves simply known as the Gathering. The Gathering is a hunting race, where all elves who reached fifty years old converge in the town center to display their acquired hunting skills for about three days. The first elf to return is awarded the title headhunter, the highest honor given to all elves.
A young elf laid restless on her bed. She was thinking all week about joining the Gathering. She waited patiently, constructing words that would ease her parents' mind allowing her to join. She got out of the bed and listened closely, then she heard a bang. It was the door. Her parents just arrived. Her mouth formed into a wide smile. She walked out of her room and raced downstairs. She found her mother about to close the door and her father setting down the paper bags full of groceries.
"Ma, did you know that an elven great bear is known to have the thickest hide? But did you also know that they have a weak spot. Just below the jaw, that's why they always tuck their chins in." She told her mother in a volume loud enough that even her father can hear.
She walked towards her father and helped her with organizing the groceries.
"Syun, we're not talking about this ad nauseam." Her mother replied with a stern voice.
"I don't get it? I know how to hunt. How to use a gun, hell I can fire an arrow better than you" Syun snapped at her.
"Because you are still young. And you knew all those because of our culture." She informed as softly as she could.
"I am fifty years old. By our culture I should be allowed to join the Gathering"
"Well when you were my age you joined. And you got out, didn't you?"
"I did. But if your father and I haven't met back then. I would've died. I can't say the same to you" She glanced at her husband.
Syun paused. She knows her mother was right but she can't let her dissuade.
"I'll be careful. I'll make it without anyone's help. I'll finish with both arms intact." She swore to her mother.
"Go back to your room" Her mother ordered her.
Syun was left disappointed. She marched up the stairs with a heavy pace. As she sulked her mother picked an apple near the table and threw it at her daughter. As the apple flew near the back of Syun's head she ducked down and caught the apple. Grasping the apple she looked back at her mother.
"I caught the apple." Syun remarked.
"It's breakfast. Not a test." Her mother replied.
Syun continued to her room with a heavy heart. She placed the apple to her study table, climbed up to her bed and took her pillow and strangled it. Then she buried her face on the pillow and let out a muffled scream. Her frustration was irrational but acceptable. How could they forbid their daughter from entering the same ceremony they themselves joined.
Syun stood up and walked towards her dresser. She opened it and moved a few pair of clothing away revealing a jar nearly full of money labelled 'Gathering Gear'
"Stupid. If they were worried about money I could've shown them this" Syun said out loud. "If this stupid tradition didn't require the family representative to wear the family band I wouldn't be begging for permission." She added as she slammed her dresser close.
Her door was knocked followed by the words "Syun, can I come in".
Syun knows that it's her father. She fixed her bed and allowed him in. His father walked in shaking a small chocolate milk. He placed it at the table next to the apple "I know you wanted one so I got it"
"Hey dad. I'm sorry if I was rude" Syun opened.
Her father shook his head and notioned if he could sit besides his daughter. Syun nodded and moved.
"I know how bad you wanted to join the gathering" He told her. "But your mother thinks you're not ready for it."
"I just want to know within myself that I can do it. I mean. You know if I make it there I'll make it anywhere"
His father gave a proud smile "I know you make it. No argument there"
"Thank dad." Syun let a sigh of relief out. "I'm still bummed about mom's decision. I was really hoping she'll let me and I could use the family band" Syun lay down on her bed.
"Well it's said that a family representative shall receive the family band from the head of the household. A signifier that you are chosen to honor your family name." He recited an excerpt verbatim.
Syun released a loud groan.
His father pulled something out from his back pocket. "Last I check, I was the head of the household."
Those words lit Syun up. She turned upright and saw his father holding out a red armband. It was full with intricate embroidery of the family crest. "Sincerely?"
"Your mother's only strict because she's the one who raised you. But I was the one who trained you. Also back in the day I was the one who rescued your mother
Syun smiled which turned into laughter. Her father motioned her to place her hand on the band, and so she did. Her father whispered an incantation which made the arm band glow. It sucked a little light from her father that funneled through the band and into her.
"As your father, I am proud to let you my daughter represent us in the Gathering".
Those words lit a spark on Syun's eyes. Her mouth formed the biggest smile and her eyes water with joy. But her father's not done yet. He pulled another thing out of his back pocket. It was a key with a P90 keychain.
"What's that?" she asked with genuine curiosity.
"Gathering gift. It's in the basement, under the pile of your old toys." He handed the keys. "Make sure your mother doesn't find out."
"Thanks dad." She smiled and headed out of her room "I'll make sure to bring something nostalgic out so she won't get probe any further"
"Just take an old album for me" Her father laughed.
With their conversation over, Syun rushed to the basement. She located where her old toys were. The moment she found it she wasted no time looking and went straight to clearing the pile. As it cleared she saw a black case with a keyhole, she opened it up and was filled with surprise. The case was full of guns and ammunition as well as a custom made suit specially made for her.
"Thanks dad". She said with a smile.
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