Wahhh! Your art style is really nice! You captured their expressions well! By the way, my friend and I cosplay them. ^_^ https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11796317_10155924512970613_2020873893500708636_n.jpg?oh=b3e9d5654930753086306cd4230bd1a3&oe=5679236A
Killua and Gon are friends since his sweets 11 years. But now they are teenagers and don't understand his own feelings. Well, Killua can understand they but it's too bad to share and act like he feels.
He needs a rival to make courage and want to tell all to his friend. Maybe is too later, because he knows his friend and his big heart, he must date with anyone who asks him if this make happy the other part.
And that's not all. Killua promised himself to be the first conffession because he think he was the first meet Gon and have feelings with him.
6 hours remain to the other teen confess his love to Gon.
This comic have a lot of years.
I will change some things I consider wrong or I cant be good with they.
I hope you like the new plot.
I plan finish the new comic in January 2022.Read more
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