In distante planet, 15820 years since earth's destruction, when teenagers reach the adulthood, they're forced to leave the planet for at least 1 year for a self knowledge trip with free destination. The only means of transport are ILET( interplanet lightspeed eletric transporter), any kind of car, overboard or bicycle. Any kind of instant traveller or mollecular teleporter are forbidden. The teens'll always be watched by the controll team on command of the education minister Aomine Jousai and his team.
And it's him who we have here on the news to talk about this polemic tradition.Aomine please. Good afternoon for all. This year, as a result of the lack of natality due to the war we are facing there are only 2481 individuals...
(news comentator) How is this even possible, the 27 th galaxy war just barely finished around here but in sector 297-371 it's still on going.
(3 days until departure)
I know, we all know but they just can't lose this opportunity and neither can ous,adults, who want to test on how the next generations will do or how's their capacity of survival... What a time to revive the tradition dont you think? The last time was 200 years ago so we have no data on how or where they will go to or how are they going to avoid or survival within a galaxy war
Unacceptable, this is just too dangerous...
I know but we all need to have faith on them...
(14 hours until departure)
Aomine aren't you gonna tell something to the controll team, on their next year they woun't have a proper rest...
Calm down, ok.
Thank you everybody for be here we all know it's going to be a hard year so let's go home and have a good long rest night.
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