It's been one week since that day. I haven't seen that girl again. And about my parents... Of course they came back, just really late on that day. I'm sorry if I scared you.
Anyway, I decided to finally call that number that she gave me.
The call was answered just before the fourth ring. So I knew I was calling a good professional.
- Hello?
- Hello, good afternoon. Umm ... am I calling the [telecommunication company] sales department? - I asked, wondering why they didn't introduce themselves when answering the call.
- Good afternoon, yes you are in fact calling the sales department ... But there is a small problem. You are not calling the department itself, but just me, who works here. Who am I talking to?
I introduced myself, and asked, what she meant by that.
- Well, you're basically calling my personal number. Are you contacting us to talk about our services?
- Yes, I needed some information about that.
- But then who gave you this number? I don't give it to anyone related to work... Only if it's... - replied the woman, first in a tone of visible confusion, but then seeming to come to a conclusion.
- Who gave me the number was your colleague Andreia. She showed up here a week ago, and was supposed to come again, but I haven't seen her ever since.
After I said this, the woman went completely silent for a while.
- You talked to... Andreia? - she asked, with a shaking voice.
- Um, is there a problem? - I found her reaction strange. But what is going on here?
- Well ... you see ... Andreia has not been in the company for some time ... unfortunately. - she said that last word very quietly, but I could still hear it.
- Well, then who did I talk to? Someone who pretended to be her?
- I don't have many details, but I can tell you something about this... You will have to promise that this stays between us.
- Okay, I won't tell anyone else.
- Actually, this is the third time that someone calls, saying that they spoke to Andreia. Do you happen to live in the center of this city?
- Yes, I do.
- Yeah, all the calls so far came from there. That was the area that Andreia was covering, you know.
I remained silent, waiting for her to keep talking. I think that, if she works in a certain area, the calls coming from that area is a completely normal thing, right? But in this case it doesn't seem to be. Thinking about this, a shiver ran down my spine.
- But the strangest thing is that, until now, people who called because of her, always called the company number. This is the first time someone calls my personal number...
- I see - I replied, when in fact I couldn't see anything
- Can you tell me your street and building number, if you don't mind?
- Look, I honestly have no interest in your services anymore - I replied
- Ah, yes, I understand. But it wasn't because of that. It's just for me, because I'm concerned. You don't need to tell me the apartment number though.
Ok, I gave her the address.
Now I feel like I'm going to meet this person soon. Maybe when I'm least expecting it.
- Did you open the door for Andreia? - she asked, suddenly. - I mean, of course you did, if not, you weren't going to call me. I wanted to thank you for doing this. Thank you!
- You're welcome. - I replied with a smile - I was a bit lost at first, but now I think I understand it. I'm glad I opened the door, to the girl who rang the doorbell.
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