It ends so abruptly
It ends so slowly
It is a sharp slam on the brakes
Or a slow stop
All I know
Is that you are there
One moment
And the next
Those long-forgotten conversations
Make their way up
To the surface
The process begins
Wishing for one last conversation
Dreams Unfulfilled
Promises Denied
Words Unspoken
So much left behind
Teary Eyes
TIghtened Throat
Heavy Heart
It threatens to suffocate
It threatens to drown
It threatens to cease
What can I do?
What can I say?
Even if I knew it was coming
It hurts
I can only hope it doesn't hurt anymore
It's disparaging
I'm not afraid of the journey
It's the departure
The goodbyes are always the hardest
I can only hope
That there will be "Nice to see you again"
And a hug waiting for me when we meet again
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