Here we go?
~Hello, my name is Matthew, i've always felt like someone was watching me, i've always thought i've seen someone... maybe i did?~ -slams head on desk- "WHAT GOOD IS WRITING IN A DIARY ANYWAYS" -alarm goes off-
"SHIT I'M ALMOST LATE" -picks up my bag- -runs to door- -slides shoes on at door- -runs to class- "Hi Mrs Harris, Sorry i'm late....heh" -Mrs Harris Sighs- Mrs Harris says "How are you supposed to learn anything when your always late?!" I don't even know what to i say nothing"..." Mrs Harris says "Just Sit Matthew" im tired of this bitch but i guess she IS the teacher "Yes Mrs Harris" i had that feeling again... that being watched feeling its probably the class.... or Mrs Harris? -Shiver-
To be continued? sorry if you don't like hehTwT
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