Hello i'm back i am creepy god kid heh also this is Matty-Kun HAHAHA i'm sorry that name is so funny Matty-Kun BAHAHAHA this is funny butttttt this is Matty-Kun BAHHAHAA pov HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaaaa -watching Voltron- I love that show Matty-Kun;) hehehe mAtTy-kUnNnN "this is getting boring imma go to bed" hOw dArE yOu mAtTy-kUnN>:( -yawn- -goes to sleep- he did not just- damn okay i'm not the only one seeing Alex in the window...am i? damnnn Alex Stalker Much, i bet he's mad Matty-Kun hehe doesn't like Voltron, hmp imma IN LE MORNING, ALEX LEAVE HIS ROOM WINDOW -alarm goes off- istg if that alarm CUTS ME OFF AGAIN I'M KILLING IT -wakes up- "ugh stupid alarm" IKR -:I- he did not just make that face, damn he did -gets changed into- hmm what do i make him wear since he's being mean.....even tho he doesnt know he's being mean imma make him wear a blue crop top a darker blue sweater that can button and pants that are tight at the hip and big at the bottom with pocket's because he doesn't like girl clothes and this is getting long so -changes- bye
i forgot what i normally put here but thats it for Episode 5 and....WAIT ALEX YOU DID NOT JUST WATCH HIM CHANGE! AALLEEXX YOUR DEAD
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