Hey hey! Sorry for not updating lately. I was on a weekish long vacation that was pretty much filled with comics and cats and old mill buildings. (my apartment is in old mill, so is my friend who I stayed with, and TopatoCon was in another old mill building too) Here's bunch of short comics with precious beautiful moments from the vacation.
And congrats you guys just learned how to sign two swear words from this comics. Bitch and bullshit. (which is why this comics is nsfw-ed). That sign I made for bitch is a pun in asl version- b plus 'itch'. (it's not commonly used though! There's another sign for bitch that's more commonly used) And bullshit, as demonstrated by my friend chu and all rock musicians.
And yes TopatoCon was blast! I *did* forgot to take my comic book after purchasing it from Spike the amazing cartoonist and had to run back redfaced to get it back lmao. So, overall, not bad! I'll definitely want to table at that con next year if I'm still around in the area!
Btw if you are interested in my friend Bridget's amazing charms, you can check out and buy from her storeenvy at bridgetcomeau.storenvy.com
short and quick comics about my life as a deaf trans masculine genderqueer person.
'qq' is a code for question mark, used in old hey day of TTY. TTY is a device (that you can see younger me using in the banner) we deaf people used for making phone calls. Nowadays we use videophone.
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