And here it is! Chapter one page one! For real, this time.
I had to take down the original page, because honestly I hated it. I was more focused on making it within a certain time, than making it something I was proud of. The idea was always to use song lyrics and have the first page be Sophia killing someone. And I'm very happy with it!
I can't guarantee that the rest of the pages will be like this one- some might not have color, or shading or anything fancy. Some might be better! This is meant to be a fun project for me, so we'll see how this goes.
If anyone is wondering, the lyrics used are from the song Cradles, by Sub Urban.
Go check it out! It's actually really good.
(And yes, I purposefully skipped over a chunk of lyrics. It was mostly just to make it fit better with the idea I had in mind.)
[The plan was to update this every week or two, but after only getting as far as the first episode, a lot of stuff has happened in my personal life. I have big plans for this comic! That I'll hopefully get to. Eventually.]]
To be Determined is a silly, gorey, NSFW slice of life comic! The three main characters are a mad scientist with a medical license, a magical creature studying humans, and an undead reaper with a drinking problem!
TBD is not intended for children, or anyone under the age of 18!Read more
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