After the defeat of Kurisuto, Debiddo follows the chaos and destruction left behind by his clan to Westpoint, where the chaser organization HQ is located. When he arrives, he sees everyone defending the attacks from the invading mobbure clan. Debiddo looks around and sees Bolt and Himawari holding off a group of the mobbure clansmen. "I'm here!" Debiddo says as she kicks one of the members and stands back to back with Himawari. "So how dire is the situation?" "Well, Daisuke is inside the headquarters trying to stop Otisu from attacking the Chaser heads." "Ok, we need to find a way to take all these guys out quick as possible, and we need to do it without killing them." "Why you say that Debiddo? They are a threat and they need to be taken care of. " Bolt asks as he continues attacking the threat as they continue to strike at him. "They are not demons, they divine humans like us, why do we need to kill any of them? Would it be more efficient to just capture them and send them to jail?" Debiddo asks. "Debiddo, we are in Limbo, we don't have regular prisons like those on earth. When someone invades limbo and causes this much damage, they are killed and their soul is stored in the chaser soul storage facility for eternity."
Realizing this, Debiddo goes silent as the fighting continues. He then thinks about his cousin Kurisuto, and what he said. "Revenge," Debiddo says to himself. "O.k, I think I have a plan," Debiddo says as he looks at the chaser headquarters. "This plan should make it possible to capture most of these guys." Inside the chaser headquarters, Otisu has just finished knocking out the two guards that protected the door to the chaser cabinet meeting room. However, when opens the door, he discovers that the meeting room was empty. "Too bad for you little bro, it seems you just missed them," Daisuke says as he posts up on the side of the door. "Ah, so I guess news of our return got to them quickly," Otisu says as he walks up to one of the chairs and sits down. "So what is the overall plan Otisu? Who freed you guys from that prison?" Daisuke asks. "Come on Daisuke, we haven't seen each other in 10 years. Why don't we just catch up for a bit." Otisu responds as Daisuke sits down in a chair facing directly in front of him. "So why are you really doing this for man, I know you didn't just get out of your prison for some petty revenge plot," Daisuke asks. "Right you are bro! Nothing gets past you now does it?" Otisu responds while laughing. "I am doing this for one sole purpose, and that's to revive our clan."
"Revive our clan? What do you mean?" Daisuke says. "I found a way to revive all of our family members that perished in that stupid war, and the only way we can do that is by gathering divine energy." "Divine energy? Are you mad?" Daisuke yells out. "Oh very much so, but you would go mad too if you were sent to a dimensional prison for 10 years for doing absolutely nothing," Otisu responds. "You tried to take over the chaser organization! you are lucky they didn't purify your soul then." Daisuke retorts. "Bah!" Otisu responds while staring outside the window looking at all the chaos that is going on outside. "But Otisu, do you even realize what you are talking about? divine energy is something that only lord ichiroun has and it's completely impossible to gather such energy," Daisuke exclaimed. " I thought so too at first, but then I found out a way to do it, and for that to happen I need the location of a particular item. One that I know is located in this building." Otisu says. "And for that, you needed one of the chairmen to tell you where it is," Daisuke replies. "Bing bong, you right again bro!" Otisu says as he points at Daisuke. "So what item are you looking for?" Daisuke asks. "Ah, now that is something I cannot tell you just yet bro. You will just have to see it when it's completed." Otisu says as he smiles at Daisuke. "You know I can't just let you have your way Otisu," Daisuke says as his Butsuri release activates.
The atmosphere between the two grew steadily tense as both Daisuke and Otisu grow deathly silent. Otisu then kicks the table as a distraction as he leaps in the air and strikes Daisuke with an ax kick. Daisuke blocks it, however, the impact is so strong that the air pressure from the strike causes the glass to shatter. Daisuke then grabs Otisu's leg and sends him flying outside of the window. The barrage of attacks continued by Daisuke as Otisu blocks all of them while in mid-air. Otisu laughs as he grabs Daisuke and tosses him to the ground with a spin. Otisu then creates a barrage of spike-like rocks that rain down on Daisuke, which he avoids by using fire he creates to push him away from the direction of the attack. However, before Daisuke can get his footing, Otisu is already in front of him. He grabs Daisuke's face and sends him flying through a building. Around the same time, Team Debiddo is standing on top of another building directly above a group of mobbure clansmen and women. "Now," Debiddo says as Himawari uses her ability. "Fujin Art! Grand tornado!" With this, a large tornado sweeps up the majority of the clan members and sends them up in the air. Debiddo then jumps in the air and activates his attack.
"Shining Strike Barrage!" Debiddo says as he launches a barrage light strikes every last member. Bolt then uses his lightning ability to bind all the members. "Raijin art, Electro-Binding" Bolt says as He, Debiddo, and Himawari land in front of everyone that was bounded. "That was a nice plan Debiddo." Bolt says as he places the unconscious mobbure clan members on the wall. "Yeah..." Debiddo says in a down tone. "I still wish we didn't have to do this." "I know how you may feel Debiddo, but the purpose of being a chaser is to protect the human realm as well as a limbo from all threats. Even if the threat is one of us..." Himawari says in a compassionate tone. As the chaser officers start to get the chaos under control, an explosion occurs as Daisuke gets sent flying into a building near Debiddo and his team. "What was that?" Himawari asks. when everyone looks in the direction of the impact they see Daisuke badly damaged, and Otisu in front of them. "Daisuke!" Debiddo screams. "Oh look, bro, your grandson looks worried," Otisu says as he picks Daisuke up from his shirt. "You know what I'm confused about? I understand why you would betray your clan, but why is it that Debiddo is siding with the chasers? After all, this organization purposely killed off our clan. "Otisu shut up!" Daisuke says to Otisu. Otisu then punches Daisuke in the stomach and tosses him onto the ground.
"Wait what are you talking about?" Debiddo asks in confusion. "I thought that our clan was killed off because of Dr.Ronin and the rest of the demons?" "HAHAHAHA! Oye, Daisuke, What have you been telling this man? Do you really think it was a coincidence that it was only our clan that was sent off to do that mission?" Otisu says to Debiddo. "Debiddo, don't listen to him! he is lying!" Daisuke says before is kicked again by Otisu. "Shut it you, the only lie that is being told is by you," Otisu says. "It was only our clan that was sent, and the order was sent by Lord Ichiroun himself." "Lord Ichiroun? Impossible?" Himawari intervenes. "Oh, it is definitely true, little girl," Otisu responds. "Our clan was deemed too strong by Lord ichiroun and we sent to that war by ourselves in hopes that we would all be killed off, but what they didn't realize is that the demons had that beam that could turn us into demons." This new shocks Debiddo, Himawari, and Bolt as Otisu continues. "So they killed all the ones who turned into demons, and the ones who didn't were quarantined and sent to the outskirts of Limbo. Debiddo, since your grandfather doesn't want to tell you, I believe it's only right that your great uncle tells you what really happened 9 years ago."
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