Annnd here it is!! Sorry for the long wait, y'all, but I ran out of pages in my buffer. We're switching to a weekly upload schedule -- I will post new pages on FRIDAY from now on!
Anyway, this page took me forever... And I love how it turned out! The study full of books and monster files is actually a real location that appears in the story, so remember it!!
The world as we know it is wonderful and strange... Add magic into the mix, and things become even stranger! Join two wayward souls from ancient Egypt as they become entangled in perils of all kinds in a world where magic is a very real thing. Friend and foe alike hold the power to destroy everything they hold dear -- even the very fabric of their souls!
The Chronicles of the Crisis is a story over a decade in the making. It is really only just the beginning of an extensive journey into a parallel universe that I have spent years upon years building and breathing life into. It is a love letter not just to ancient Egyptian mythology, but to all stories of cryptids, monsters, and other things that go bump in the night. While the main focus lies upon the two aforementioned Egyptians, there are countless other references to other ancient cultures and legends throughout the story. TCotC is a complex story that might not be for everyone, but it completely captures my love of ancient history and the supernatural.
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