Math class was finally over, and Summer, with her newly tidied desk, was exhilarated to have an intermission from multiplication and division.
Summer pressed her feet on the ground forcefully, and pushed herself backward, along with her chair. When she had enough room between her desk and her chair, she pressed her feet on the floor again to hoist herself up. Then she pushed her chair into her desk until she couldn't move it any farther.
She made her way downstairs, hopping over a few steps. When she arrived at the school's cafeteria, she sighted her friends, Kyla and Nikki. She nodded, looking their way, before grabbing a tray. She received a clump of mashed potato, a few peas, a small cube carton of milk, and a big hunk of brown... well, nobody actually knew what it was (even the lunch ladies), on her red plastic board. Summer then made her way toward her usual table: the one in the far right of the room, near the vending machines. Her friends were already there waiting for her.
"Hey Sum'!" (Sum' was a nickname that Summer's friend called her, even though it was very ironic, because of her hatred towards mathematics) Kyla greeted.
"Hey Sum'!" echoed Nikki, twirling her chestnut-coloured hair around her finger.
"Hi guys," said Summer, taking a seat beside them.
She stared at the can in Kyla's hand.
"I would kill for a soda right now."
"The soda machine is right there, why not go and get one?" said Nikki, straightening her round glasses.
"I would, but I'm about 99 cents short."
"So you have no money at all? Oh my gosh!" Kyla gasped as if nobody was ever broke before.
"Yep. Not a single penny."
"Well, you've got a Kyla, which is WAY better!" Kyla joked.
They all laughed simultaneously. And they stopped simultaneously. They were so close, it was as if they could read minds.
"So, uh, what's goin' on with you guys?" Summer said, scarfing down a clump of "unknown brown stuff," struggling not to gag.
"Well, nothing much," Kyla admitted. "I did get an A+ on my English exam last week though."
"Uh, I think she meant new stuff," Nikki laughed. "You have been telling us that all week!"
They all laughed again.
"Though I do have news, actually," Nikki piped up after she finished laughing. "My dad got a new..."
"Job?" guessed Kyla.
"Tie?" laughed Summer. "His current one is really tacky."
"Nope. He got a new... girlfriend!"
The group of friends giggled again.
"Oooooh! What's her name? Is she pretty?"
"Well, uh, she's called Bethany. And she isn't like model-level pretty, but she's got really nice hair!"
"Oh my gosh, though! How did they meet?"
"Well he was—"
She was interrupted by the school bell.
"See ya outside!" Summer yelled as she went to her locker.
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DeskTopia was a nice place. All the school supplies that lived there got along and helped each other. They all lived for excitement, but living inside a 5th year's desk made adventure a rare thing.
But, as most of the school supplies lived in harmony, one did not. The king's youngest son, Isaiah Ink, wanted to be king, but as he was the youngest of the three royal sons, he would never get that chance. He urged for revenge. And after that moment, the town of DeskTopia became inked out.
Could this be the adventure DeskTopia had been hoping for?Read more
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