8 episodes
Episode 1
One Unfixable Mistake
Mar 23, 2021709 views
Episode 2
Something Exciting, But How Could That Be?
Mar 25, 2021267 views
Episode 3
Almost Finished, But One Mistake Left To Fix
Mar 26, 2021190 views
Episode 4
What's His Next Move?
Mar 28, 2021189 views
Episode 5
Could've Just Done That
Mar 31, 2021164 views
Episode 6
The Spending Spree Begins
Apr 02, 2021169 views
Episode 7
Saved by the Bell
Apr 06, 2021168 views
Episode 8
Climbing to a New Problem
Apr 14, 2021138 views
DeskTopia was a nice place. All the school supplies that lived there got along and helped each other. They all lived for excitement, but living inside a 5th year's desk made adventure a rare thing.
But, as most of the school supplies lived in harmony, one did not. The king's youngest son, Isaiah Ink, wanted to be king, but as he was the youngest of the three royal sons, he would never get that chance. He urged for revenge. And after that moment, the town of DeskTopia became inked out.
Could this be the adventure DeskTopia had been hoping for?
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DeskTopia was a nice place. All the school supplies that lived there got along and helped each other. They all lived for excitement, but living inside a 5th year's desk made adventure a rare thing.
But, as most of the school supplies lived in harmony, one did not. The king's youngest son, Isaiah Ink, wanted to be king, but as he was the youngest of the three royal sons, he would never get that chance. He urged for revenge. And after that moment, the town of DeskTopia became inked out.
Could this be the adventure DeskTopia had been hoping for?
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