it has been three days since the pack arrive at the prison and Isaac still hasn't had the pups but he was nesting and stay close to his nest he been growling at anyone who wasn't dean or his dad or brother and dean would have to harvest the deer meat he hunt just for Isaac before leaving he would also bring water to the wolf.
Dean had to go on patorl when his mates pain hit him hard he stop and turn around and look around the camp looking around his mate must of turn to the tent and when in , he was bout to turn away when beth came running up to him.
" Isaac in labor!" she yells to him it was enough to have him running back to his mate as he enter the tent he see Isaac and hershel , hershel was pet his head as the contractions were getting closer and stronger , he walks to his mate and pulls him head up to kiss his noise.
" Isaac i need you to push now "hershel said and Isaac obeys following his order after a few more pushes the pups head is out enough that hershel can grab it he pull the pup out and Isaac chew away the umbilical cord.
" Isaac one more push" the doc said again
again the omega obey pushing the pup and pushing again once the pup was out Isaac chew the pups umbilical cord on the second once the doc clear him that there was no more pup to push out he puts his tools away and stands to leave the couple to there newborns. he turn to the father.
" Dean you should go get water for him the could be thirsty from pushing." the doc said " he won't want anyone that not you near him or ya'lls pups"
dean nodded and stood and kiss his mates sleeping head the puppies had found their way to this nipples and where drinking away.
once he step out he could see Rick and his brother Daryl waiting for the news on the pups and Isaac.
" how is he? are the pups okay?" rick ask
" yes , isaac is okay but exhausted, the puppies are eating , both of them are one girl and boy. " dean said " when Isaac wake up i'll see if he will let you see them , but for now i need to get him a bowl of water , hershel said he could be thirsty when he wake due to the pushing."
the nod and said their congratulations I walk over the supply we had and i grab a bowl and a bottle of water and some dry meat , as i make my way to the tent i see T-dog getting to close the tent that shelter my mate and newborn pups , i growl and step up to the tent door blocking entrence.
" what do you want T-dog ?" i ask
" just wanted to see the baby sorry i didn't mean to upset you!" T-dog said
" okay well it'll be awhile for people to see them , when Isaac is confortable he'll let the rest of the pack see them" i said
" wait i thought he was having one?" T-dog ask
" yes we thought until 3 days ago when Isaac said he was eating for more them two" Dean said " now i have to be there for when he wakes up with his food and water, cya"
with Dean watch the man walk away as he move to the center of their camp , dean turn to grab the zipper as he open it he walk in and spotted his mate look at him he walk over and set the food and water in his mate reach and look to isaac.
" one little girl , and one little boy." dean said to his mate the pups was asleep now so when isaac shift he grab the meat and started to eat it when the meat was gone he grab the water and drowning it to isaac look to his mate and kiss him before crawling out of the nest and into dean lap resting his nose in his neck smelling his scent, the alpha took his shirt off and put it on over his mates naked body to kept him warm.
the shirt went past his knees as he stood and make his way to the tents door , he stop and look at the pups before walking out with his mate following behind him, isaac stop by the camp fire by his dad as they made plans to take the rest of the prison the yard out side the building had been clear yesterday while he was giving birth , and it turns out Carl's scent starting to change to one like his did when became pregnant and if carl was he wonder how far along the other alpha was.
" dad?" isaac says once the alpha let the other alpha go.
" yes"
" can i help?"
" you can help by keeping those kids safe they cant lose a father or mother." rick said
" would you like to see them?" isaac ask
when the alpha knodded.
" yes "
" i'll bring the out of the pack to see"
with that dean follow his mate back to the tent , when they both step in isaac shift and pick up on of the pups , he look to his mate and dean shift and pick the other pup up , they make there way to the camp fire, rick spots his son and dean coming over with a pup in each other their mouths.
isaac laid down and dean place the small tan pup by its mother and he shift and someone give him a pair of shorts and dean look up at the prime alpha
" we haven't pick names yet , but they are cute." dean said
" we want to name the girl lydia , but we need a name for the boy" dean said as he pick up lydia and hand her to rick the same pup was a black and white , she look like a oreo.
once rick cuddle lydia enough he handed her back to her father and dean pick up the tan pup ,
" we can't choose between reedus or stiles" dean finish
" stiles is a good name for this pup"daryl said coming up to pet the fur on the pups head.
after the new pups gotten to meet some of their pack mates Isaac grab up his pup and look at dean , dean knew what isaac wanted to move them back to the nest dean was handed the pup and they maded their way back to their tent.
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