A three-pager for this week.
Handsome Dan weaseling his way into the comic for a short scene. Going off to deliver some bad news to Beatrice, his first interactions with Jam and Sammy in the comic, and his day-time banter with his peers. Don't have much to say here, it was a quick rewrite of the scene to change up some establishment that would've happened in the cut phone call.
Ted is mentioned a lot when I write about Dan. Dan works vice, Ted works homicide; and I don't think Ted will ever show up. Because unlike other urban fantasy stories, nobody here is going to try and solve a murder that involves the disemboweling of a close personal friend. Except for maybe Ted in homicide and the rest of the cops. Whatever anyone else takes out of this is on them, for better or worse; and I think given what's going on it isn't hard to see who is going to be better or worse off because of this.
Next week: The Ghost Squad loses their cool, and Jam & Sammy cope with something else that's bothering them.
As always we're up on patreon, and the artist takes commissions. The writer does too. We're working on a little mini-zine thing for the Sisters, which is mainly Beatrice on social media with some pictures that are more candid. Including Jam in a dress, much to her unending displeasure.
Any questions, comments, concerns, leave'em below.
The Sisters is an episodic urban fantasy comic about three small time practitioners living in Quincy, Massachusetts. The Sisters updates every Thursdays/Fridays with 3 to 5 pages of content.
This comic is Not Safe For Work, due to language, violence, and romantic content.
You can support us at: patreon.com/thesisterscomic.
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