Two years had passed after that fateful night. The caretaker, delighting in her newest story of the legendary prophet's daughter, concocted a wondrous tale of synthetic happiness for Auriel. She rebuilt Auriel’s history but did her best to stay true to her heritage. She did, however, ensure the preservation of Auriel's genuine innocence. That was all of Auriel that remained, her hopeful, peppy persona and wild sense of adventure. The poor child had no recollection of her mother and any of the times they cherished together. She was but a blank canvas at the mercy of a strange woman, sprinkling water paint that could easily be washed away.
Of all the things that was stripped away from her -- the cherished memories, the hearty laughters, the nights of shimmering twilight -- Auriel remembered how to be jovial. She was different from the rest of the children. The enchantment did not suppress her maturity, her appreciation and love for life, and her desire to explore the unknown. Everything about Auriel still seemed amazing and serene.
As months passed in the orphanage, she effortlessly caught the attention of families that wanted to give her a name. With sleek hair of charcoal and a smile that can melt the cold hearted, she rejected just as many invitations she had received. Auriel did not fall far from the tree. The daughter of the domineering prophet was an apple that blossomed into a creature that was just as beautiful and talented, if not more than, her mother. The caretaker saw this as potential to truly make a deserving family happy. Often times, Ntantá would speak for the young lady and reject a family's request, even against Auriel's will.
Months continued to pass, and to Ntantá’s surprise, Auriel's hope and delight did not falter. She continued to beam like a ray of sunshine within the morbid household of forgotten children.
The morning was gloomy, drizzling gently, imprisoning the children from the thrill of the outside world. Suddenly, the doorbell rang once more. That was their cue. This time, however, Ntantá was already waiting by the door. The children lined up while the caretaker spruced them just before opening the door. Ntantá was awfully prompt this time, almost as if she were expecting company. The caretaker opened the door and was greeted by a tall gentleman of a mighty build and an even mightier mustache. He stared down politely from above and spoke with a hearty tone,
“Excuse me, my fair lady. I am here for --”. The manly voice, muffled by facial hair, was cut short.
“Sir, this is an orphanage. I am fully aware of what you are here for. Now, please enter and take your time.” The caretaker spoke with a crude politeness that gave the man fixed feelings of apprehension.
The muscular, tall man clad in a suit and an overcoat entered the household and immediately caught attention of her. There she was. Auriel, with eyes that spoke of loss, a past that she never knew she had, was grinning, giggling and staring at his grand mustache. He was speechless, dumbfounded by her placid, pleasant demeanor.
“She is quite the beauty, is she not, good sir?” Ntantá was now standing behind the man, whispering in a suggestive voice as if she were selling commodities.
“I believe you and your husband will offer her a wonderful, loving home.”
“Wha-- How did you know about --”, inquired the burly man.
“Call it woman's intuition,” said the old woman, already strolling away to fetch the paperwork. “Auriel, I apologize,” she hollered across the room, “I should have consented you first. Would you like to be a part of their family?” Ntantá continued to sort through the paperwork without even stopping to look at Auriel.
The child stared soulfully at the tall man. She smiled gleefully and nodded. The handsome man knelt down onto one knee and spread his massive arms, thanking Auriel's approval with a gentle, welcoming smile. The young lady walked up shyly to him and embraced her new father, shrinking at the size of his magnificent build.
“Hello, little Belle, my name is Tryferós Íroas!”
The newly made father hugged Auriel and kissed her on the forehead. Auriel chuckled and resumed their hug. She felt at home in his arms, a feeling she was supposed to recognize. Then, a gentleman of smaller stature steps through the door. Brushing aside the beads of rain from his jacket, he takes notice to his husband.
Tryferós stands tall, towering next to Auriel, and excitedly announces the wonderful news. “Pénthos! Please, meet Auriel, our daughter!”
Processing the abrupt news, the husband quickly averts his attention to the beautiful, young child. Scurrying up to Auriel with vehement approbation, who was only slightly shorter than him, Pénthos hugged her firmly.
“The pleasure is all ours Auriel,” exclaimed Pénthos. “The Íroas family gladly welcomes you!”
The new parents gave their thanks to the caretaker and waited for Auriel by their carriage. Auriel, giving her final regards to Ntantá, hugs her and takes her by the hand.
Sweetly, Auriel sighs, “Thank you, truly, Ntantá, for being a mother to me. Only the Gods would know what would become of me without you by my side.”
The prophet felt a slight sting in the child's ignorance to the fateful exchange, the unforetold reason for her abduction into the orphanage. Auriel skipped down the steps and off onto the pavement, to her new home, her new family.
Now in the distance, Ntantá smiled faintly as she watched the family stroll away beyond the horizon. Thinking to herself, her smile fades into a sullen, dire expression.
“Cherish this second chance while you can,” thought the prophet, “before you remember too much.”
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