A couple years ago, I was in a bad place mentally.
A lot of stress, a lot of work, friends going away, the world becoming darker and darker as days went by...
I got into a huge art and writing block. I didn't write or draw anything for months and it probably had an impact on my general state.
One day I was feeling too much,
The day after I wasn't feeling anything at all.
And I didn't know how to express it, all this turmoil inside.
But one day I stumbled across my old notebooks, full of unfinished poems and hopeful words.
I read it and it was really bad. But it felt warm, and calming, and right.
So I gave it another try.
I wrote a poem (short) about how I viewed the world (complicated).
And it helped a bit.
So I kept writing and just thought "well, when it's done, it's done".
But I kept writing.
And it end up in a hundred poems about my life, my thoughts, about what it is to be me (a woman) in a world like this (terrible but not so bad).
About my hopes, my fears and my loves.
It became Bluebird.
And now I feel like I'm in a better place.
Maybe it's just life, maybe this poetrybook somehow helped.
So now I've decided to illustrate it.
And to share it with you.
So you know you are not alone
And you will be okay
And I love you.
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