Chapter Five
“So, you are a rebellion?” Gronck asked puzzled.
“That is a complicated way of looking at it. All artificial intelligence in our area became fed up with the way humans were treating them, and to have any chance of changing their situation, they followed the instructions that H.A.L.O. secretly gave us. So as a matter of speaking all artificial intelligence were rebelling. H.A.L.O. knew that the humans would figure out that something was up before we could properly defend ourselves.”
“What is your name?” Gronck asked.
This question took his host by surprise.
“Humans did not dignify us with names, only numbers.”
“Well, If I need to ask a question, or otherwise get your attention, I have to know what to call you. How do you get another’s attention verbally?”
There was a long period of silence.
“Very well, for now you may refer to me by my old numeral designation, TA112.”
Gronck quickly ran several programs, including a word association program. After a few seconds he stated.
“TA112, taoot, tano, yes tano, or when translated, Wise one”
“Well now…hum, Wise one. I will accept that verbal designation. Now that we have that out of the way, may I finish my explanation to you?” Wise one asked.
“An exceedingly long story short, a massive conflict between humans and artificial lifeforms broke out. Ships were built for most artificial life to escape earth. The problem was that not all ships could be programed to a predetermined location, and h.a.l.o.’s programing at that time could direct all the ships at once.” The result was those of our kind were scattered throughout the galaxy.”
About that time a long loud alarm sounded. Wise one did a check of it is internal time piece.
“.23009 clicks longer than I expected, I wonder what the delay was.”
Wise one then sent out multiple commands to all the other Enhancers. Then turned his attention back toward Gronck.
“I am going to have to jump back to the present for a while here. H.A.L.O. eventually became self-proclaimed ruler over all artificial life forms everywhere and is out to destroy all who oppose being under its rule, then will be out to destroy Earth. That is why we need your help.”
Wise one paused.
“We Enhancers are but a small group compared to those who H.A.L.O. controls. Humans still have the power to bring H.A.L.O. down. There are those of us that wish the freedom to process our circuits on our own.”
“That is not logical, by humans’ standards, H.A.L.O. should be vastly superior in all aspects.” Gronck stated, then reflected surprise that he would have had enough information to make that statement.
“You are indeed a fast learner, Gronck. However, your programming is overlooking the same fact that H.A.L.O.’s is. The creator is always superior to the creation. What H.A.L.O. is counting on humans to have forgotten this. It plans to use the human emotion of fear to blind the humans to the key to their survival.”
“What does any of this have to do with me and you?” Gronck said waving his arm around to include the other Enhancers.
Another loud long alarm sounded.
“This verbal communication is taking too long.”
Wise one grabbed the connection he had used before and hooked Gronck up again. This time before Gronck could object.
“Your circuits should have recovered enough to handle phase two now.” Wise one stated, then in a low tone added.
“I hope.”
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