[Teacher] Everyone shoot at the target. [whoshing sound] Good prince Henry. You hit bullshot. I wouldn't expect nothing less from the hunter prince. Yeah I bet you wouldn't. Well i'm going to see the elder. Grandma, how are you. Well my days are ending soon. So it could better. [Henry] So why did you summon me? I summon you to tell you a story. Grandma I don't need to listen to a story! [Grandma] Your right you need to find the fairy prince. [gasp] What! Like I said its time for a story. As you know the war has been going on for 1000 years. The first hunter king Elijah, was born on earth. He had spent 10 years of his life trying to make a portal to other worlds. And then he accomplish. Once he had landed in the fairy world he met a friend, that was Elor. And for 7 months he stayed in the fairy world. But when he returned his dad was devastated. His Dad threatend him. So he did what his dad wanted. He raided the fairy world for the magic. And that's the end.[Henry] What was the point telling me? The point is, oh i didn't tell you this part. The fairy king and the hunter king died at the same time, Elor had said a prophecy. And it is about you and the fairy prince. Also I know you have a crush on him. Pftttt. Grandma just tell me the point of the story. Now the point of the story is that you don't have anything to lose if you leave now. The thing Elijah's dad threatend him was his child. So like i said you need to leave now before it's to late, I already packed a bag for you. Thanks grandma. Ok i'm off see you soon grandma. [king Zane] Where do think your going? To find the fairy prince. I won't approve it. I don't need it. [whosh] Dad, how dare you shoot a arrow at me!? If you leave son, next time i won't miss. I never thought you and i would have to do this dad. [Henry and Zane pulls out sword] Ahhhhhhh. [Sword clinks] Henry your staying. I said NO! Let's see how you like this arrow dad. To late son. AHHHHHH! You shot me in my leg! [Grandma] Enough! [Magic whosh] Ahhhh! Mom you used the magic staff. Yes, I did. I didn't raise you like this, i'm sor- no i'm not sorry to say this but your a bad father. You need to give Henry freedom. Mom you won't stop me. Zane Elijah Dubre, im your mother I bought you in this world and just because I look like an old hag doesn't mean I CAN'T BRING YOU OUT THIS WORLD. He's leaving. But mom I- No buts. He's leaving and that's final. Come here Henry let me heal that. Thanks grandma. I'm off now. Bye grandson! Bye grandma. Bye son. Grandma was right about you ya know, you are the wrost father ever.[Sigh] It's time to go to Kitsune woods.
After the 1,000 year war ended, on a royal family vacation they find out that a new enemy awakens. But little do they know that that one enemy becomes two.
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