Movie dates can be...challenging...when you have IH. Most of us have a trouble staying awake when watching movie because staying still whether it is sitting, or even standing, can trigger a sleepy spell. Eyes get blink...and the movie is over?
That is not something we can control.
So all I really have to say about this is - don't be mad at the person who has a neurological sleep disorder who can't control the sleep. Be mad at the IH. Realize that being mad at the person only fuels the IH, as people with IH are prone to depression and anxiety over the fact that they are sleeping through their lives and the stress from being constantly on edge only makes the sleepiness much worse.
So what can you really do, once you get over the upset?
Be kind. Be supportive. And watch that movie in small parts, or try to find something you can do together that is something the Sleepy person CAN do as an individual. Loving this Sleepy person also means understanding that they are not doing that because they are bored, or don't want to spend time with you. They are right there, sitting next to you because they wanted to try to have fun time. They pushed themselves to give their last squeeze of energy to you - heck if it means that they won't be able to shower after, wash teeth, or probably eat a meal.
They did their absolute BEST and they are asleep because their brain is not like yours. So do your absolute best to show grace, understanding, and love.
That's my two cents on movie dates. I hope you liked the comic, share it to your pals, buddies, dates, and families - and follow the comic so you won't miss the Friday updates. <3
When we reach 100 followers, I can start donating 50% of the advertisement earnings to IH research - so you will be contributing to that for absolutely free!
The ads will also be non-intrusive so they won't even bother your viewing of the comic!
See you next week and take care fellow Sleepies. <3
Going out to movies is even harder since the theater is dark. I can't count how many times I've *blinked* during an exciting fight scene and struggled not to let my partner notice!
Trying my hardest to cope with a rare neurological sleep disorder some people don't even believe exists and yet manages to ruin my life.
Subscribe to support IH research and IH artist to keep the comic going. 50% of monetization goes to IH research, and once the comic reaches 250 you can donate Tapas INK to directly support the comic - from that I pledge 10% to IH research.
You can also support the comic by donating to me in ko-fi: where each donation helps me keep up making these. <3
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