I thought of it when I felt unbearably alone and needed a hug, even a covid hug.
I drew above photos to make it faster. It made me laugh a lot, but it's based on really heart breaking research.
Authism is a fancy word to describe an impaired brain.
It can probably be from birth. Maybe from a genetic glitch, lacking nutrients to build the body right, chemicals, or the mother getting an accident.
It can be after birth from brain damage. Maybe falling on the head, fevers making the brain swell, allergic reactions, seizures from nutrients or sugar imbalances or a brain defect...
A lot of things can harm a brain.
Can injecting a deadly virus, along with chemicals known to harm the brain, possibly cause brain inflammation, seizures, emmorages, and damage?
Of course. I read countless stories.
Few doctors would put their ego aside to admit that they caused harm, their education is wrong, their science is still barbaric, and they profit by destroying babies's lives. It'd be easier to claim it's your fault & the child was born bad.
Pharmaceutical companies make billions even if their product is a deadly failure. They won't give it up their power to save a few tiny death statistics. They admit they find them normal.
Even a mother seeing her own baby agonize more after every shot kept going back for more. Watching her baby slowly die was less painful than stopping to believe blindly in doctors' godliness.
A mother knows best because she sees more information and her only motivation is to save a life, not profits and reputation.
They endoctrinted us so much with their dogma that mothers think they're not the specialists to keep babies alive, but they are.
No one in their right mind would inject a live deadly virus, or any part of a virus. They inject several at once into babies!
Doctors used to think that cigarette smoke could save drowned victims by stimulating the lungs. They forced it into the butt!
My comics don't necessarily represent my opinions, because I often use sarcasm to make what I dislike look ridiculous. I don't draw horror because I like it, it's to vent my worries. Don't hold it against me. I'm just trying to find the courage to face how disturbing reality can be... so I can make it better. Denial in a cute fake dream allows hell to continue.
This is for comical purpose. Don't expect health comics to be absolute truth when even science can be wrong. Don't believe anything blindly or you'll never stop being wrong and fooled. Find the truth on your own.
Question reality. Don't shy away from exploring darkness, the truth often lies there.
Having negative emotions is ok, what matters is what you do with them... you can use them to learn, evolve by finding a better path, and make something constructive. I try to improve my life, when I can't yet, I make comics...
Have a laugh it's a great way to cope.
I hope that practice will improve my drawing skills.
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