I had my 1rst facebook ban! For saying that I hate french & quebec. I am that! It's not racism. We're having shit that other provinces don't right now.
And I'm sad about the death threats that Harry Potter's creator got for expressing her worries about trans people.
Disagreeing politely is natural because we have different needs, but death threats are worse than what she was accused of.
To be clear I'm not against trans, I'm against making death threats if you want to avoid being hated.
You don't want hatred? Then don't spread hatred!
Mr Broccoli represents any person with double standards.
It doesn't matter if you're the majority or which minority you are: don't be overcooked, don't be a distasteful jerk.
Sometimes people hate you not because you're a minority, but because you're mean to others, even your kin & yourself.
No one is perfect. No group is perfect.
What we hate makes us who we are as much as what we love, it's our preferences that makes our identity.
Instead to demand that others hide their unfavorable opinions of you, unleashing your hatred to hurt them deliberatedly, we should just be respectful with each other. We can't force someone to love us, that only makes more hatred. But we can all be polite in spite of hate & not kill each other. People should not be ostracized & destroyed for their preferences! Even if they dislike something, in private with friends. Hatred doesn't necessarily mean violence, have some self control.
I hate everything. I need an constructive outlet for my hatred or it will break out. Comics are fun.
It's also about vegans, they eat innocent lives too!
Holy & Wolfie are actually part of my main comic. I finally dared to make one! I'll introduce them properly later. Mr Broccoli won't come back... as a broccoli.
Holy is supposed to be 6 years old, but I made her stand up too tall. So angry at Faceban for controlling free speech that she exploded into an angry teenager!
My comics don't necessarily represent my opinions, because I often use sarcasm to make what I dislike look ridiculous. I don't draw horror because I like it, it's to vent my worries. Don't hold it against me. I'm just trying to find the courage to face how disturbing reality can be... so I can make it better. Denial in a cute fake dream allows hell to continue.
This is for comical purpose. Don't expect health comics to be absolute truth when even science can be wrong. Don't believe anything blindly or you'll never stop being wrong and fooled. Find the truth on your own.
Question reality. Don't shy away from exploring darkness, the truth often lies there.
Having negative emotions is ok, what matters is what you do with them... you can use them to learn, evolve by finding a better path, and make something constructive. I try to improve my life, when I can't yet, I make comics...
Have a laugh it's a great way to cope.
I hope that practice will improve my drawing skills.
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