Hi, this is my first work. It's a very important story for me and I hope you'll like it. Right now I don't know how often I'll be able to update, I hope I'll be able to do it asap, even with your support. My patreon account will be avaible for you very soon. Wait for me.
Instagram: instagram.com/ethereal_shadow_of_soul?utm_medium=copy_link
Twitter: twitter.com/NHiromu2?s=09
Helior moved from his hometown to another city to continue his studies but, above all, to get away from a place that now only causes him suffering. What he does not imagine is that, right there, he’ll find the one who contributed to that suffering, Ginvar, an animus who, even if he doesn’t know, lives in his mind. Now that they finally met face to face their connection will be stronger than ever as well as the passion that will gradually overwhelm them. Will they be able to overcome the old wounds and stand together against an enemy hidden in the shadows ..?
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