Donna Jane Clementine was only fourteen when she started hearing the strangest of things coming from the well just outside of the farm she lived. Donna lived with her Mother, pretty woman with a positive personality, and her Grandmother, a hard-working and religious person. Donna lived a happy life with her family. One day, while walking into town to get some food for supper, she heard whispers to her right. She turned her head quickly to see only the well. Donna walked closer to it. As she did, she noticed that there was moss growing on the stone. That’s odd, it wasn’t there yesterday. Rather strange indeed.
As Donna reach the well, she looked down into the darkness. She couldn’t hear anything else, so she moved away and continued to the shop. The next day, she went again into town to pick up a dress for her Grandmother. After Donna picked up the dress, she heard more whispers. Again, she turned her head to look at the well. Again, when she approached the well, there weren’t any more whispers. Like yesterday, Donna continued to the farm. Later in the day, Donna was washing veg when she heard more whispers down the sink. She began to feel anxious.
Later that night. She heard more whispers in her bed. She covered her head in the covers shaking with fear. Eventually, she fell asleep. Days went by and she still could hear the whispers by the well. It repeated for weeks. Though, as time went by, she could now hear what the whispers were saying. They kept whispering the words, “Join us.” She kept getting more and more anxiety with each passing day. Her behaviour had gone from confident to jumpy. At school, she fell behind. She began to stay at home in bed every single day. Doctors came by to check on her. Soon, months became years. She was now eighteen years old and never left her room. She wouldn’t eat, she wouldn’t sleep.
All she did was stare up at the ceiling and lay on her back. She had become insane. One day, she lay in bed on her back looking at the ceiling again. The whispers were ringing in her ear loudly when it stopped. Her eyes widened. She started to laugh and shout. She ran out of the house and quickly into the town in her night gown. She climbed on the slippery stone of the well still laughing and shouting. “I’M FREE! I’M FREE!” She shouted again and again until she slipped over and fell into the well. She woke up. Donna woke up with pain in her right leg and back. She was able to get up. She called out for someone to help her, but no one did. No one knew she was in the old dried up well, in the old, abandoned town.
As she looked up from the bottom of the well, she started to cry about the dream. Just to see the sunlight again. Donna had been stuck down there for weeks, living off the rainwater which fell from the sky and chewing on her own clothes to keep her stomach filled. She lay down in the well, muttering to herself so she wouldn’t get bored. As more days go by, Donna gets even more anxious, and in fear that no one will ever find her. Soon, the days turned into weeks. She still lay in that dried up and old well. The moss was so thick that it felt like glue. Donna can still remember the last time she saw her Mother’s face.
Donna was with her Mother in their farmhouse. They were rather wealthy and were invited to a party. They were travelling a fair way, but when they were halfway there and were nearby an abandoned town when some men came out of the woods beside them and tried to take them. Donna ran and ran for the abandoned town. She ran to the middle of the town and hid down the well but didn’t realise how deep it was. She fell hard on the dirt ground. That’s when she had the dream about the voices in the well. As she was thinking about her Mother, she heard voices approaching. She started to stand, was it real? Was it her imagination? It’s not! “Hey! Over here! HELP!”
She cried in hopes that they’d find her. Donna heard feat scrambling over. Suddenly, the bottom end of a rope was dropped down. With little strength she had, she climbs along the slippery wall of the well to help herself out. Once she reached the top, there were two disgusting old men with holey clothes. They grabbed her and took her into the woods. A couple of days later, a couple walking through the woods found her mangled body in the river, blood leaking out of her.
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