Nothing is everything, because everything is nothing. In the grand scheme of the universe, things are either in one big line or one massive gathering. With so much to focus on, the real question to ask is... "Where and why should I even start?". Time is depended on to keep the forces of our universe changing, yet most envy change, and try to reinforce their old order. Protesting, shooting, violence. What is it all worth? That is life dear reader. Nothing is everything, and everything is meaningless. That story you were just reading merely a minute ago is meaningless. In twenty years, you would most likely forget about it. Even this dear reader is meaningless. So why am I writing this? Because of the existence of everyone living in the world today, and those who have left this world, and those who have yet to enter this world. In the next sixty seconds, two hundred and fifty babies will be born, and one hundred and five people will die. The cycle of life and death will continue until the end of time, because time is dependent, but causes change, and therefore, with two sides pulling it in each and every way, time is meaningless, therefore, the things in our universe that took time to grow are meaningless. At least humanity's perfect picture remains on the wall, otherwise, nothing would be done, and we would just exist, living, then dying.