Well, now that we've met Jack (Dog) and Julius Cesar Malcolm (his name is not pretentious in the slightest), let's learn a little more about their personalities, shall we?
This time, there are black boarders, since I only was posting this to Comic Fury and liked adding those. But what do you think? Yay or nay?
Again, wonky art, but did I ever have a gay ole time sketching and inking these. My partner and I work on this comic "together." And by "together," I mean he'll say something like "I just imagine Jack as a veteran of psychic wars battling Lovecraftian beasts."
"You should do a strip where Jack rolls around at the foot of bed and steals all the covers." Leaving me to figure out how to add the supernatural element XD
At any rate, we sit and collaborate on ideas, and then thumbnail them out. It's a lot of fun, and these are meant to help me gain more control when inking.
Anyway, that's just me babbling. I hope you are enjoying this bit of silliness.
A view into strange happenings as seen not by humans, who miss the events entirely, but rather through the eyes of a mixed rescue dog, Jack, and his not-so-attentive Boston Terrier friend, Julius. Journey with them as horrific terrors constantly threaten their environs, people, and the world around them.
Edward Gorey inspired inking, Charles Addams inspired washes, HP Lovecraft inspired supernatural beings. Authored by Erudyne (Brad) and Blue Dragon (Ashleen).
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