So like.. I don't really hate grownups. I mean I don't really hate anyone, but well.. grownups suck. They do. They just really do. Grownups expect too much from, well everyone, just because too much is expected of them. It’s so incredibly frustrating. I'm not trusted to act and think like a grown up, but that's exactly what's expected of me. So just fuck.. Fuck it all.
At least for a moment, one singular, most definitely not recurring moment, I can fantasize about telling everyone to just fuck off, especially grown ups.
I mean I can't even remember the last time I seriously told someone to fuck off, and that is not okay. Telling people to fuck off is something that I believe we all should do more often. Just randomly respond to people when they're taking things a little too far with a friendly, "fuck off", or if you want to be polite a "Would you kindly fuck off?". Yup, that'll definitely go just absolutely great, and not backfire horribly.
Take it from me. I know nothing, yet somehow know something, so I would know what would and would not backfire horribly.
If fire is what we are looking for then definetly tell an adult to fuck off. I've found that it most certainly gives off a fiery blaze for the most part, and at the very least is a telling sign of their personality, err at least their personality that day.
Shoot, tell me to fuck off, and who knows how I’ll react. Might just cause yourself a whole out brawl, or just a chuckle and a smile. Like I said before, it all really depends on the day, sometimes it just depends on the minute, the second, the nanosecond. This whole life thing you and I’ve got going on is all on a spectrum I like to call “Dependency~~~” Okay so I've literally never called it that before, but just go with it okay?
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