One of the most important things about LDW's job is that she has to make sure that the contractor fully understand and READS the contract... Anyways meet the new member of our cast!!! He's a hoot.
By the way did you know I stream on YouTube and make videos about making comics? The more you know...
Doubt her signing those papers without reading them would hold up as legally binding in dream court but thankfully for our desk friend I don't think that'll be a problem 🤣
If you could get your heart's desire would you make sacrifices? Of course you would! So would Charlotte. To be honest, she doesn't really care about the repercussions of signing a contract with a Dream Witch, she's here for a good time, not a long time. Tony, on the other hand, who double and triple read his contract is somehow roped in with a incomp- unique partner. Each of them a unique type messed up, as they put their lives on the the table to get, well, who knows what. [Upd. 1st + 3rd Wed]
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