Creation started with an idea, and from that idea, the All-Father began to shape the earth. First, he gave the new world water from which plants could thrive. Then, he raised mountains and dug seas to provide a home for the animals. And finally, His eyes turned toward the sky. He tapped at the black void, and a great light sprung up, then another, and another. With his last tap, he spoke to the newest star.
“You are the brightest in the night sky. Your glow will never fade, and with your light, you will guide the travelers of the land below you.”
The little star was beside itself with excitement and pride, and as soon as the sky showed a hint of dusk, it jumped into the air, and directed its light to the land below.
As the star looked on, it found a group of nomads. Each night the star twinkled, and they traveled toward its brilliance, but every time, there was one less than before. Ten, five, four, until they were no more.
Saddened, the star looked for someone new to guide, and found a boat drifting along the lazy seas. The star sparkled, calling them with its light. In turn, the men lifted their heads, pointed their fingers, and set the sails.
For months the men stared at the star, and it smiled back down at them. Until one fateful day, the clouds blocked the star’s view of the world; the next night, the boat was nowhere to be found.
The star cried, and searched again for another seeking its guidance. This time, the star found none. Each night it rose to seek a new traveler, but the people of the land below had their eyes turned toward the ground. Not a one looked up, and as time ticked by, the star found its view of the land was growing more hazy.
The eternal black fog thickened, and the cities grew brighter until the star could no longer look upon the people. But still, it twinkled.
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