Ann shows the bathroom to Ciir. It takes a while for Ann to jump out from her thoughts, back to reality and back to a, slightly less stupid version of her thoughts again where she is more focused and paranoid.
“Damn he is
going back to a bathroom? Does he want to take a shit or do his scheming again?
Do I have to break another bathroom?” she gets agitated, tenses her shoulders.
“or maybe”
“maybe he is plotting against me.”
“Change the bathroom but not the person going with? Does he want it to happen in this bathroom as well? Does he want to know if I’m against him? If I’d break this one as well? If he succeds it’s ok for him but if I stop his plans its also good for him because now he will know who he is facing against! I’ll loose my advantage.”
???: Ann? Ann?
Ann looks back
Ann: Chris?
Chris: Hi Ann
Chris: 😊
Chris: What are you doing here?
Ann: Nothing and you?
Chris: I have a little brother and since this school building is for the kids I
usually come here to be with him
Ann: ow man
Ann: That is nice
Ann: I wanted a big brother like you
Ann: Mine sucks
Chris: yeah hahaha
Chris: I mean
Chris: not that your brother sucks
Chris: or that im better than him, I was laughing because you complimented me
Chris: that made me happy
Chris: Do you want to help the band?
Chris: we have to tide things around here for the music festival
Ann: oh Yeah you are playing in a couple of days right??
Chris: yeas haha, it’s pretty soon
Chris: In two days to be exact
Chris: I’ll be frank im kind of nervous
Chris: everybody is
Chris: you know when you feel you are not good enough?
Chris: yeah haha
Chris: I feel like everyone from the band feels like that
Chris: but I cant show them I also feel like it
There he goes oversharing again. Chris is a pretty nice soul, he is gentle and fun. He is the opposite of his girlfriend Maria. Maria is lucky, despite Ann not having any close friends she likes him a lot and regards as one, tho a bit distant.
Ann: yeah I
imagine that
Ann: I tried playing my brother’s guitar once and sucked
Chris: Did you play in front of someone?
Ann: No
Chris: ……
Ann: ……
Chris: ok
Chris: but do you want to help us? I understand if you don’t. Its work
Chris: but the rest of the band will be there
Chris: all we have to do is put things in their places, we just lack in people
Chris: And I think they kind of like you, so it may be fun too
Ciir is still in the bathroom, which would be weird if he was a human!! He is probably doing something evil like in the previous one, but leave him be this time, let him think Ann is innocent and that his plan matters. Once he learns about the festival his plans will change anyway, but Ann will be ahead now. She would have helped Chris and would investigate the battle grounds before Ciir could do anything, again, she will have the advantage and.. it will be…. To. Fucking. Good.
Ann: Yeah
Ann: I’ll help dude
Ann: Leave it to super Ann
Chris: Ok…
Chris: yeah thanks Ann
Chris: that’s awesome of you, we really needed it
Chris: it’ll be right after afternoon classes, go to the gym
Chris: arooooound like, 19pm I guess.
Chris: if anything call me
Chris tells Ann his number
Wow congrats Ann you interacted with a human, you level up in your social rank which is upgraded to “Not a complete awkward dofus”
Please, reader, clap your hands for Ann, or, considering you may simply be too much out of the mood to do some nonsensical demand, please, just clap your eyelids against each other like if you were applauding her, that’s all she deserves to be honest.
Chris goes away and now Ciir will be leaving the bathroom, clueless. Ann will be prepared for his next plan, everything is in it’s place and the gears are already moving, at 19pm she will be helping the band.
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