Hahaha I'm late lol. I finished half of this, thinking "I am so on track!", then I had a holiday for my birthday, so I didn't do too much art in that time. Well, I hope you liked it anyway, because I did try to make it look good, or at least better than the last episode. I tried a lot of things! I liked playing around with my panels, and I am probably going to do it in the future. I got the tip to play with panel shapes from the QnA in a series called Unconscious Nightmare by Puppii/Teanut. Here's a link, I really like their work! www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/unconscious-nightmare/list?title_no=319288
Ok. So I decided to redo my comic, PUNdertale, as it is honestly pretty bad. The art is terrible at the start, the story and characters make little sense, and the humour doesn't always work with the story. As a result, I am going to try and redo PUNdertale, give it a proper story, and decent art. I hope you like it! I will probably update this rather infrequently.
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