Traveling through all the trees, they all three came to a stop when they spotted a brown molly with pink spots. She looked to about Trainee age and she jumped when they arrived right at Misty Family border. "Eeek!"
"I really hope Foxwing got away," Hawkheart panted. Commander Moon and Sean both agreed as they were catching their breath. The brown tom then approached the Trainee looking at them. "Trainee Amy, have you seen our two Trainees by chance?"
Trainee Amy nodded with a nervous smile. "This weird purple fox was leading Trainee Ice somewhere along with a huge dinosaur and some others," she explained. "You'd think a circus was being formed if you witness that." She was pointing her tail towards the Flower Family Meadow.
Commander Moon and Hawkheart exchanged glances. "We'll go check it out, but first, we're taking Sean back."
And just as Trainee Amy described, there was a whole group of individuals hanging around in Flower Family territory. Some Commander Moon recognized to be Spice Jr, Lucky, and Stray Dog. Others included three long haired puppies, a long neck dinosaur, an angry bipedal bear, and a fuzz ball of some sort. At the head of them was none other than Porphyry.
"What is going on here!?"
Commander Moon and Hawkheart jumped when Cole Goose ran past them. "He's going to blow our cover!" Hawkheart growled. He started bolting after the purple-gray Goose with Commander Moon staying behind.
While her Campmate took care of Cole Goose, she decided to lay low and get closer to hear Porphyry. She saw a bush nearby with two dark green gleaming eyes and decided not to run into Foxsoul. She might be in an agitated mood right now.
"Go! Crush Moon Family under your feet!" Porphyry commanded waving his wand in the air. The giant dinosaur tried to fight back but slowly fell under the spell and turned around.
Now what do I do? Commander Moon questioned. She needed to do something to stop this thing before it crushed her entire camp. Think fast, think fast.
The dinosaur started her journey of traveling towards Moon Family camp causing Commander Moon to panic. "Let the light guide your path."
Huh? Commander Moon didn't recognize the voice. She shook it off when she spotted Spice Jr, Lucky, and Stray Dog all hopping onto Bayle's back to try and stop her from going. Oh my word, I need to do something!
The flowers around her started trembling as Bayle was getting closer. She crouched down but spotted the same fuzzball hop up and summon some sort of yarn out of his paws and unleashed them around Bayle's legs. As the older dinosaur started to fall, Lucky and Stray Dog hopped off towards Bird Family territory.
"Put me down!" Spice Jr shrieked as fell along with the dinosaur.
"Spice Jr!" screeched Commander Moon as she pelted towards the dinosaur. The bipedal witnessed what happened and ran off causing Porphyry to curse. Hawkheart joined his Commander, a couple feathers smearing his face.
Hawkheart snorted. "Stupid goose got away," he hissed.
As they pushed Bayle over, they found Spice Jr crying at his now bloody legs. From what Commander Moon could tell, they were broken. Before she could say any comforting words, she felt the presence of someone behind her.
"We meet again," Porphyry whispered. He waved his wand again and Commander Moon could feel a tightening grip around her throat.
"What?" Commander Moon choked out and fell over. She flicked her tail towards Moon Family territory and hoped that Hawkheart would get the message of taking Spice Jr to safety. She had eight lives while they only had one. I can't feel a thing...
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