The temple was in the middle of the largest meadow I’ve seen within this forest. Wildflowers from every color of the rainbow bloomed all over the place, probably making up more of the meadow than the grasses. At the central point in the middle of all this, a ring of trees and bushes blocked the view from outside.
We walked up and peaked through the bushes. Inside, the far side held a pond filling about a third of the ring of trees. With little streams flowing in and out of the pond. I hadn’t seen the streams from outside, but I guess it was hidden by the wildflowers and such. And the rest aside from the pond was a hodgepodge of grasses, ivies, and shrubs as well as a big rock with grape vines growing all over it.
Lots of birds and small mammals skittered here and there. They didn’t seem to react to Midnight at all. But a deer among the bushes looked up at us when we came in before dashing out and away. I said to Midnight, “Let’s not hunt here. I’m guessing we shouldn’t.” She already wasn’t, so maybe she didn’t need to be told.
We walked in and looked around. Strolled around the bushes and beside the stream. While I was still walking around, Midnight found a spot to stretch and nap. I kept walking around for a while, more and more questioning, “Was I just supposed to come see this place? Or what?” Then I joined Midnight in napping through the noonish hour or so. Except I picked a spot shaded by one of the bushes whereas she soaked in the sun.
When I woke up and stretched, I noticed a different tree nearby. Actually, was that even a tree? It wasn’t moving or anything, but it looked just like a character from the comics and related “cinematic universe”.
So I stood up and addressed the tree, “Groot?”
It replied, “I am Ilki.”
It’s a tough question as to which surprised me more in the first moment there: that the tree replied at all or that its third word wasn’t “Groot”. But then I got around to processing that what it said instead was the name of one of this world’s gods. Should I have been less surprised by that on account of this being the Temple of Ilki? Maybe. But the only communications I’d heard of from gods here had been by oracles to priest types, so the folks here hadn’t really foreshadowed an in person appearance for me.
Maeve: “Uh. Hi.”
I could feel myself blushing about my words. Good job, me. A god introduces themselves and I reply with “Uh. Hi.”? Seriously?
Ilki: “Welcome.”
This god is seriously chill. They said one word without much facial expression shift in their woody face. But I get that they’re genuinely welcoming. It was almost like a hug wrapped up in a word. But standing in front of them, I can’t quite imagine actually hugging them. Because there’s this massive aura of … of like nature power. And no matter how much friendly vibe they’re conveying, that concentrated presence remains mega overwhelming. God of Nature … I think I get it now.
Ilki reaches out a woody hand which sprouts smaller branches as it comes. It starts towards my shoulder and then the hand twigs wrap around my back over my heart.
Ilki: “Listen here.”
As soon as they’ve said that, I get a gist of meanings way beyond words. Then I’m hearing Midnight’s thoughts in my head to the effect of, “I like this moss patch and the light is comfy warm.”
Ilki lifts the same woody hand to my head.
Ilki: “Share here.”
Another gist of meaning floods through me. Then I’m alternating between sharing in Midnight’s senses and sharing mine with her. After Ilki draws back their hand, I pull back to my own senses to focus on whatever is next.
Ilki: “You are not limited to one.”
The instant that’s said, Ilki starts diffusing out from the tree-like form into all the flowers and grasses around them over the course of a few moments, disappearing into the surroundings, leaving Midnight and me alone in the temple.
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