I left Trevor to go talk to his brother I rushed to the locker room to get ready for practice. After I got my pads on I rushed to the field to join my teammates. I joined a group of my teammates who were talking. “Hey Felix looks like your girlfriend is sitting with all the other girls,” Darren said pointing to Trevor who was sitting on the bleachers. The rest of the team laughed at his stupid comment.
“Come on dude, that's not funny. Just because he’s gay doesn’t mean you have to talk shit about him,” I said. I never really noticed what a jerk Darren was.
“Oh chill Felix it’s just a joke no need to get so worked up about it,” Darren said.
“You may think it’s a joke, but I doubt Trevor thinks it’s funny,” I said.
“Come on Felix I know he is your partner in Mr.B’s class but you don’t have to act like your friends with him,” Darren said.
“I bet he is probably loving being partnered with you,” Jackson said.
“Maybe he does but let's just forget about him for a minute start practice already,” I said. It took a while, but I was finally able to get their minds off of Trevor. Practice went on for about an hour. I was really pushing myself so I could look good in front of Trevor. I did a play pretty well and I did a little dance. I looked to the stands and saw Trevor looking at me. He was giggling. He then waved to me and I waved back at him. After practice, I started walking toward Trevor but I was stopped by the head cheerleader Kasey. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a big smile on her face.
“Hey Felix you looked great out there,” She said.
“Um, thanks,” I said. I knew this girl had a crush on me
“I just wanted to ask you if you had a date for homecoming next week?” She asked
“No, I don't. I wasn’t even planning on going,” I said.
“Well, why don’t go with me,” She said.
“Um, I don't know. I really don’t think I want to go,” I said.
“Come on it’s our senior year please go with me. I know we will have such a fun time together,” She said. I then saw Trevor walking over to me
“Sorry I have to go,” I said
“Wait Trevor what about homecoming,” She said.
“Sorry I have got other plans,” I said.
“Hey Felix are you done with practice,” Trevor said
“Oh hey, Trevor yeah I’m done let me go shower in the locker room. Then we can go,” I said.
“Excuse me, me and Felix were talking,” Kasey said. Trying to push herself between me and Trevor.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was just wondering if Felix was ready to go,” Trevor said taking a step back to let Kelsey through.
“Well you can just wait because we are having a conversation that doesn’t concern the likes of you,” Kasey said in a condescending tone.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Trevor said.
Sometimes I couldn’t stand how rude she could be. “Oh, sorry Kasey, but Trevor is right I have to get going,” I said. I didn’t want to be near her anymore.
“Uh, fine,” She said. She then walked away pushing Trevor out of her way.
“So what were you talking to her about?” Trevor asked.
“Nothing much Kasey just asked me to homecoming,” I said.
“Oh so are you going with her to homecoming?” Trevor said.
“No I am not there is someone else I want to ask but I doubt they will say yes,” I said.
“Don’t doubt yourself you are a great guy. Anyone would want to go with you. You are kind, handsome, and funny,” He said.
“Did you just call me handsome,” I said.
“No I think you miss heard me,” He said.
“Come on you think I handsome, you think I’m handsome,” I said.
“If you keep teasing me you won’t be handsome for too long,” He said.
“You wouldn’t hurt my face. Because by your standards I am handsome,” I said.
“And I regret saying that. Now go shower because I can smell you from here,” He said.
“Oh you think I smell,” I smirked. I then grabbed him pulling him into my sweaty body. “See it's not that bad.
“God, you smell so bad. You are so gross and sweaty,” He said. He tried pulling away from me, but I kept him in the hug.
“Come on I don’t think I smell too bad. If anything I smell like a hard-working man,” I said. He then laughed. It was nice seeing him laugh like this. He had a real cute smile if was a shame he didn’t to it that often. “Fine if you think I smell so bad I will go shower. Just go meet by my car,” I left Trevor and started making my way to the locker room.
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