The battle barely starts, and it feels like the earth is witnessing the performance of two great fighters.
This teenager is holding his own against a man trained in the arts of murder.
The two of them are not breaking a sweat, but it's obvious Zephyr suffers the weight disadvantage. He's shorter, physically weaker and he's lifting a blade that weights a lot more. He keeps his composure and his focus at all times to make sure he doesn't let go of his guard. Who knows what kind of technics and unpredictable moves the assassin has at his disposal?
Zephyr's tactic is working so far, since the hunter can't find a perfect opening to finish the boy and move on to his actual target. On top of that, the well-timed brake is cut for more action, which his tibia is not taking pleasantly. Every movement, both on the offense and defense, are calculated and careful. This means he cannot dash as fast and he's limited in his arsenal. Having to deal with all of these factors in real time makes the assassin mad and baffled.
Such a turn for the unexpected is the last thing he needs with this specific contract, especially when it comes out last minute like this. It has been not long enough since he fell into such a storm of bad luck at the tail end of a mission. There's not a great record of fighters that stands against him and it has been a couple of years since a challenger of this kid's caliber came out of the blue. It's far from a good feeling, and it if it wasn't for that stupid toddler, the doctor would be dead by now.
Then, the assassin rejoices: He finally finds a flaw in Zephyr's strategy.
It has been 10 seconds and the boy didn't move a muscle. It would have been about a solid minute since the fight started, so it would make sense if it was because of his massive metal sword. Yet, Zephyr lacks the signs to show he's tired...Guess the hunter will need to put it all in. He'll think about the state of his bad leg later. He'll use every fiber of his muscles to deal with this kid quickly.
"...Only five seconds, is what I need." He whispers to himself, as he suddenly jumps backwards to give himself some distance between him and the boy. They are now about 10 meters away from one another.
The boy is confused by his foe's actions...and in that confusion, he tries to get a feel the next move. He's not quite sure what to do and...
Five seconds passes.
"- HA! You're too hesitant for your own good!"
As soon as he finishes this sentence, the assassin propels himself forward and dashes straight at the child with confidence, never second guessing himself and running at full speed while ignoring the increasing tension in his leg. His velocity is far beyond the boy's comprehension, going so fast he's actually close to breaking the sound barrier. He's shortening the distance between them in around a second.
By pure reflex, Zephyr does a big horizontal swing and slashes the air violently, hoping to snap this rapidly approaching danger in the process. The assassin, surprised, still sees this attack coming and dodges at the last second. the blade brushes the mask and the two objects creates sparks on impact.
The assassin is now behind Zephyr and even with his leg damaged, he's getting too impatient.
"- Darn it! Boy, don't make me kill you! I'm serious! You're not the one who deserves this, but you're leaving me out of options here! Go back into your dumpster, and everything will be just fine!"
Zephyr turns around to look at the assassin.
" - You...don't underestimate me!" Screams the young boy.
"- Tch, can't say I didn't warn your dumbass." Whispers the assassin to himself.
He holds the katana in both his hands, going for another strike at lightning speed.
Before the katana of the hunter can reach him, Zephyr places his torch blade on the ground between them. The hunter, thinking he will catch him off-guard, moves to the left and tries to slash Zephyr's head off. The young blacksmith already saw this coming.
He ducks to dodge the strike and, with all the strength he carries, pulls a spinning back kick that smacks the bounty hunter in his forehead, sending him flying fiercely with his back facing the ground. This almost breaks his mask.
The kick is so impactful the assassin just sits there, amazed, rageful and yet so dizzy at the same time. All of his motor functions got sent a shockwave of hurt in one instant. It's as if his entire body couldn't accept such a heavy hit. It doesn't help that as soon as he lands on the ground, the pressure installed by Zephyr becomes apparent.
Getting up is very hard. His consciousness has not acclaimed to the change in perspective yet. This boy just sent a professional killer knock some dust off the ground with one goddamn kick...
A freaking kick, for crying out loud!
And from what it looks like, he calculated all of this as fast as the assassin was running. Not only that, but the hunter's leg has finally given up on him. He can no longer feel it as he's now limping and can't walk without feeling like dog shit.
immediately, the situation gets worse for the assassin.
"- Argh!...Ha ha...Okay...No idea who you are and who trained you like this...But man! I believe my last reserves of patients have been dried!"
He points his sword at the young man, who looks stunted he could even do the move properly himself. The mask is cracked and there's blood now leaking from the top of it. Zephyr can hear the hunter's menacing growl underneath. Despite the damage, something destructive has been unleashed.
"Tell me your name! I will remember this mockery as I take you down limb from limb! My name's Alister, the one who will send you to hell! What's your fucking name!?"
The rage and aggression penetrating the assassin's core sends shivers down the boy's spine. He tries his best to calm down and relax, despite the now obvious killing intent.
- ...I told you didn't I? Name's Zephyr...Zephyr Yundath. And I told you to not underestimate me, didn't I?"
Seems like pulling off such a coup de grâce turned the stomach of the young warrior, as he's now afraid and exhausted, hoping this will be the last time he deals with the sudden increase of speed the assassin achieved.
It's incredible that a stupid scientist was able to run away from him. Such agility, such ease with his own velocity, nothing this guy does is forgiving. For Zephyr, this is another terrifying example of why you keep your guard up and don't lose yourself in your thoughts during combat. That is something the boy still needs to grasp.
That doesn't matter now. He must focus and counter-attack with more assaults while the hunter's state is in jeopardy. He won't let awe afflict him twice. Zephyr then goes to pick up his sword, but his whole body feels heavier for some reasons. It's as if he suddenly has the entire planet to carry on his back...
Well, the weight of his family is on the line more so than anything.
This murderer comes out of nowhere and hunts in his territory, the land that the Yundath sought to protect. There would be no way in heaven nor hell Zephyr wouldn't come to defend the village, even when there's nothing left to defend. He isn't going to sit back and watch a fool run his uncalled business in a place to mourn loses and sacrifices. His blood is boiling too, but he tries his best to maintain his cool. Still, finding an opening and going for the offensive again is probably what that demon waits for; deciding for the perfect opportunity to strike and finish him off. Knowing this, it's hard for Zephyr to come up with the resolve to lead the next swing.
Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, The assassin moves to his right, dodging El Boyo who dashes at him in hopes to inflict damage. Seeing that it did not work, the flying crocodile goes into hysteria and tries to fly back in the sky, only for the hunter to catch it at the last minute by its tail.
The assassin, considering everything that is happening at the moment, is beyond livid.
His mask has been cracked open. That kick in general is still stinging with pain, and as far as he's concerned, this is definitely his last contract. Looking at his broken leg is filling him with a sense of indignation, as he's forced to recognize that his career is over whether or not he finishes the doctor. He left himself exposed to precipitation and his hidden agenda gave him an excuse to push his body far beyond what he's capable of.
That's on him.
"I...never wanted to puke so bad at the sight of a sudden team attack. I hate every single second of it and the fact that the doctor's pets are getting in my way is pissing me the fuck off.
- I have no clue on what you're talking about, you monster. It acted on its own.
- Oh really now?? I'm the monster!? Do you know how much dirt this scientist got!? He deserves everything bad coming to him!
- This is none of my business! Besides, why should I trust your word for it! People like you only do this for money!
- Ooooh you have no idea how wrong you are boy! However, I will wipe you off the face of this planet if you are going to defend this piece of garbage. Trust me, killing scum like you that lives in a ghost town is the last thing I'll get remorseful about!
- I'll make you eat those words!"
Then, for a brief moment, as they keep verbally assaulting each other, Alister looks behind his young foe...only to see the doctor doing something that makes him shift his focus away from the fight entirely.
"- ...Hold on a second. Got a situation here. What the fuck is he doing?
- Sorry but your distractions won't work, hunter-!
- No seriously, why is the scientist inside this damned elevator!?"
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