The city was in ruins. Fire blazed from every direction as chaos ran rampant. Standing above it all on a building seeming to be untouched stood a dark figure at the edge. A gleam in their eyes that seemed to go beyond the bounds of humanity. Despite this though an air of loss and grief seem to weigh over their demeanor and posture. They stepped closer to the edge although turned, seeing the person behind them. This person was drenched in blood, crazed eyes and a pleading expression on their lips. As this person stepped forward, reaching out, a silent scream escaped from them as the dark figure fell back with a smile on their face saying a soft thank you.
Oliver woke up gripping his chest before putting his head in between his knees. Tears were at the corners of his eyes. This wasn’t the first time he had this dream but he could never figure out who those two were. However before he could fully comprehend it the sound of yelling downstairs could be heard and this brought him back to reality. Completely forgetting the dream he got up and changed into a black hoodie, ripped jeans and dirty red shoes. Grabbing the bag that was falling apart he went and opened the door. He was careful not to let the door make any noise when he closed it again. The yelling could be heard much more clearly now although the words were illogical and incoherent. Let’s hope she’s still asleep… Oliver thought as he walked through the hall his steps were almost comparable to a ghost. Reaching the door at the end of the hall he could hear soft giggles that were completely oblivious to the abuse downstairs. Going in as silent as he did when leaving his room a cheery call could be heard.
“Brother!” He turned to see the little girl about 6 years old wearing a flower dress; as she had long dark brown hair and blue shining eyes. So full of innocence to the world they were brought into. Oliver couldn’t help but smile as all the stress and reality of his hell seemed to be forgotten even if it was just for a moment. Using the soft voice he made up to talk to his little sister he went and projected.
“You’re up early. Excited for school?” The little girl nodded happily as she didn’t seem to mind hearing Oliver’s voice in her head instead of spoken words.
“Of course! And we get to see grandma after right?” Even if Oliver could say no he knew she’d never lose her smile and that was what he loved most about her.
“You know I’d never lie to you about that Eli” Eli nodded as she went and grabbed the little book bag that had butterfly and flower patterns on it. Oliver watched, and he couldn’t help but be glad she was normal. In their world a few percent of people could have a power however would lose something due to it. Despite most of the times this being a disability those with powers were seen as a minority or were seen as extremely dangerous. So the fact that Oliver’s sister was normal the least Oliver could do was make sure she could get a good life.
Eli soon ran back to her brother and held his hand. With a bright smile that lit up the rest of her features she asked.
“Can we visit the flower lady? I made something for her.” Oliver nodded as he went and picked up his sister.
“Anything for you princess.” He smiled back at her as he then motioned for her to stay quiet. She nodded obediently as Oliver then went and put his headphones on her head playing one of her favorite songs. Being happy with this Eli leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Oliver patted her back before going out of the room. He snuck down the stairs taking extra care to not drop his sister or fall with her. The shattering of plates and glasses could be heard from the kitchen. Oliver sighed knowing he’d have to clean it later. Continuing on he snuck out the back door into the yard avoiding detection from his parents. Once they were in the alley outside the house Oliver went and set his sister down. Eli was a bit reluctant but let go of his shoulders as she smiled up at him. Oliver smiled and took the headphones from her. The song was still playing and just loud enough Eli could still hear it. She giggled before dancing around a bit as Oliver laughed a little.
“Want me to play those songs while we walk?” Eli nodded and threw her arms towards the sky.
“Of course! Leah is so good at singing I don’t know why not so many people know of her songs yet!” There was a tinge of indignation in her voice but it was clear she was just more or less confused. Oliver however rolled his eyes to her comments as he smiled. He went and turned up the volume of the playlist he made for Eli as she seemed to forget her rant and started to sing along. Her voice was loud, however honey sweet to Oliver as he could have listened to his sister all day just for the escape. When they got to the end of the alley Oliver went and held her hand keeping her close. Stopping for a moment to turn the sound down on the headphones as he put them on her.
“Don’t let go of my hand and keep your head down.” Oliver tried to keep the voice he made for her calm but there was always a trickle of worry in it whenever he took Eli into the city. Eli on the other hand knew he worried for her so she nodded and stayed by him without question. As they walked a few people stared at them due to the almost polar opposite look they had. Compared to Eli, Oliver had jet black hair swept to the right to hide his heterochromia. This eye mostly gave away something was wrong or he had powers as it was purple and amber while his left eye was just amber.
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