As the doctor lets go of the rope, Zephyr feels the drastic decrease of weight as he keeps on pulling it for just a second.
"AU REVOIR, FOOooooolks...!" Is the only thing Riley screeches as he's falling down. After a brief moment, only the echoes of his voice remains.
The young blacksmith is appalled.
He lets go of the rope, grabs his bags and proceeds to jump without even thinking about his next course of action. The three animals follows suit, thinking of catching up with their masters to the bitter end. Before diving with the others, El boyo spots Zephyr's torch blade and grabs it with its mouth. Its crocodile teeth are keeping the grip tight and makes sure it cannot escape the vulture's grasp.
The only one who stays behind for a few seconds is Alister, who is witnessing what he can only describe as madness on a scale he has never seen before.
What the hell is this scientist? How can he attract that many nut jobs with him on his nonsensical expeditions? For the hunter, Throwing his life away with such evanescence is unreasonable and purely based on emotion, but he recognizes that he is no different. He still feels the sudden call to jump himself. It's like a thirst that commences to thrive in his body. With all of his determination, he decides to keep moving forward, limping even faster to the edge of the bottomless pit.
It has already been a dozen seconds by the time he gets to jump. At that point, his target is probably so far gone it's useless. He could simply let his leg heal for a few days and call it quits on his career, as he comes back empty handed.
He himself is beyond reasoning. He cannot cease this suicide operation.
For Alister, there is no going back, not without seeing the doctor perish by something, anything, even if it's not him. Killing this bastard is the one good deed he believes he can make out of this life. So if in exchange he has to starve to death 12 feet under, then so be it. With all the desperation and determination left in his arsenal...
Alister does the inconceivable jump.
He screams in a plea to overshadow the instinctual fear that is trying to take over. He clenches his fists and teeth, trying to resist the pressure of the colossal fall he takes. It gets dark really fast down there. The vision of the sky and the outside world shrinks with every instances that passes.
It doesn't take long for the assassin to start feeling something bizarre in his broken leg.
It's a small sensation at first, like a gentle breeze caressing it. After another set of seconds, he closes his eyes and tries to ease himself into death. He's truly believing that he made a massive mistake and that this soft touch on his leg is the sign that the afterlife is coming to claim his soul. He finally succumbed to lunacy...
This sensation doesn't last much longer. It instantly grows sharper, like the leg got stabbed with the force of a thousand needles in one dose. Alister screams his heart out as his leg restructures itself out of his will. Shattered bones reattaches, ligaments and muscles reconnect without his consent and in the pain comes complete lack of understanding of the situation.
He can still feel the shock...But his leg is fine again...?
"ARGH! What the fuck!? What is going on!?" Let's go the assassin, stunted of what just happened.
Riley is peaceful. He's not thinking about anything at the moment. He's falling, his eyes closed, embracing the end of his days and prepared to face the one who judges all in the eyes and confess to all of his crimes. He's hovering in the air, making the shape of a star while facing the sky above, sky he can no longer see with his bleak vision. True liberation is what he seeks as he falls endlessly in the bottomless pit.
"- I am ready...To be released from the claws of life...Take me god! Take me and send me wherever you feel I deserve to be sent!"
In his dramatic last performance for nature, he can still hear the faint animal noises from his companions in the distance, as if they took the decision to accompany Riley in the after life. How cute, how wholesome...
Until the doctor opens his eyes and sees Zephyr.
The mad teenager follows the scientist even in death it seems. This is not something Riley joyfully takes to heart.
"AH! Wh-Why are you here!? Why!? What could possibly be reasonable enough for you to follow me all the way down here!?
- Answers, Riley! Lots of answers!
- That's insane! You're throwing your life away for knowledge and discovery!?"
Riley takes a slight pause.
"Okay in retrospect that's very hypocritical, but I'm a scientist! It's my career and passion to secure such knowledge and-!
- Oh! Career and passion! Great! Is kidnapping people like my mother a part of your amazing career !?" Ask with anger in his voice the young blacksmith.
"- ...God forsaken...Of course you would remember such a thing! Listen, you have NO idea how much I regret doing this, I swear! Besides, she's alright as far as I'm concerned! Of course she hasn't come back yet, but who would when the whole village has been decimated to bits!"
The doctor, out of fear for his life despite having it forfeited the moment he took the fall, is trying his damn hardest to defend his actions. Zephyr's emotions are boiling into this melting pot of complete suffering. He has been dreaming of snapping this doctor's neck for years, interrogating him, ask about his mother. Where is she... Yet, he has expunged that need, this necessity, away from his life in an attempt to help Gallows without it becoming an overbearing distraction.
That attempt was in vein.
Now he has to face something he's been struggling since being a little boy and the one he perceives as his mother's killer is looking at him, trying to justify his way out of a mess he's been in tango with for about a decade.
"- devil!" Screams Zephyr, his rage culminating into tears slowly pouring out. "We'll see how alright she is once we dive in hell you and I. I'll...I'll make you regret every second of it!!"
The more the youngling speaks, the more his rage consumes his state of being. As if turned unshackled by the constraint of his body, he emenates a bunch of steam. Literal vapor comes out of his pores. Shorty and Browski, who are sitting on his back, are now trying to get away from the sudden amount of heat propelling from Zephyr's skin.
The doctor is witnessing this from a few meters away...And his eyes open wide with a strange, almost terrifying curiosity.
"You...You...!! Argh!!" is the only thing Zephyr can muster, as his skin begins to crack and his glow orange.
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