As Maxwell walked back home, he collapsed several times because of his injuries and blood loss. As he staggered into the house, he only made it to the front door before passing out completely. When he awoke, he was in bed with John sitting next to him. There was a moment of silence before John asked the question. "So, how was the test?" "I wasn't able to kill Gustave. I could and I should have but I couldn't," remarked Maxwell. "why not?' asked John. "When I saw him trying to protect his clubs even if death was the only option it remained me of my father and I don't want to be a man that kills a father trying to protect his young even if it Gustave" replied Maxwell "Just I failed right?'" Maxwell continued. John took a deep breath and replied, " You past being a warrior is not only being stronger than you enemy but knowing when to let your enemy live and when to show mercy Maxie" "So you knew Gustave had clubs"?" asked Maxwell. "I did" replied John. The two men remained silent and suddenly began laughing. "Guess am ready for the journey?" asked Maxwell. "yes you are?" remarked John. The next morning, as Maxwell prepared himself for his journey, John call him into the kitchen. As Maxwell entered the Kitchen John ushered him to sit next to him. "Today is the big day," remarked John. "Yes, it's finally here," answered Maxwell, overwhelmed with joy as his years of training finally paid off." But before you go, I would like to tell you my story as I think it will help with your mission," proclaimed John as Maxwell sat silently, always wanting to know about his master's past but was always too afraid to ask. " As you know, I used to be a warrior from a land far from here," remarked John. Maxwell shook his head. "When I was a boy, about eleven or twelve, I was gifted as a warrior. I could defeat groups of grown men in my village. By age fifteen, I was the chief of my village and handled the village's defense and protection. By age sixteen, I was married and at your age and already had children. Everything was great until one day". John paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and continued. " When coming home from a battle, strange men ambushed us. They must have been watching us for a while and understood when we would have been at our weakness, but they overwhelmed quickly us and within minutes they killed all my men, captured the women, children, and the elder men. When they reach my home, I was still trying to fight them off when I too was captured by them. They made me watch as they burned my wife and son inside of my home and fed my newborn daughter to their dogs. As John continued his story, Maxwell can see his master hold up his tears." After that, they package the remaining villagers and me into a boat and ship us here. For years, I worked picking their crops, tending their animals, being whipped, kicked, and stripped of my true self. Until one day, I snapped and killed the guards on the plantation. I even free my people but instead of rejoicing in their freedom, they looked at me as if I was the devil that's when I realized that even though they looked like my people they were not, their souls have far left this world and what remained with just mindless bodies worshipping their captors as if they were Gods and with that, all I could do is run. Run fast. For years, I stood alone in my depression. I even tried to kill myself by thinking I didn't deserve to see my family again since I had to fail to protect them. I decided it would be best to just live and suffer until I die until I found you in the forest and knew I had found my calling to make you strong." stated John as the tears began running down his face. Maxwell walked over to John and placed his head on his forehead." I can't bring back your family but I can save mine and you can become a part of it" remarked Maxwell whilst John looked up to him in shock."Since my dad died you have been the closes thing to him I might not be your son and you might be my dad but does that manner your important and that's all I care about" continued Maxwell as he rose and began walking out the house. "Thank you Maxie please come back home safe," remarked John whipping the tears from his face. "I will" replied Maxwell as he headed out on his journey to reclaim what is his.
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