When we went to the village, I recognised a couple children we saw the other times but I realized that they looked older than before, we probably travelled a few years now. Jack gave me a flyer. ,, Can’t you read it yourself?” I asked. ,, It’s too much text.” He responded. I rolled my eyes. It was typical for Jack. I looked at the flyer and read fast what it said, and then I looked at the others. ,, This are the new civil rights.” I said. ,, What does they say?” Félicia asked. I wanted to give her the flyer, and then I remembered that Félicia was not able to read. ,, Well, there are equality and freedom, the human rights can’t get broken, equality in court, freedom of religion, Freedom of speech and freedom of the press, that’s the most important one.” I explained. ,, There were something with the USA.” Jack said. ,, The rules are inspired by the USA” I explained. I guess I am the only one here who knows what was happening next, it is crazy that we time travelled. ,, Hey, give it back!” I heard Jack screaming. Jack pointed at a boy who ran across the market place. ,, He stole the pocket watch. We need to catch him.” The three of us started running after the boy. Jack was really near the boy, of course, he was fast as a football player, and Félicia was faster than me. I really should start doing more sport. It did took some time until we catch the boy. I was out of breath and needed to slow down. Meanwhile Félicia and Jack followed the boy in an alleyway and finally couth him. Jack hold the boy’s arm meanwhile Félicia took the pocket watch. ,, I can help you. I know someone who will buy the pocket watch for a good prize. If I show him to you, we can share the money.” the boy smirks. ,, No, we are not going to sell it!” Jack and I yelled in the same moment. The Boy and Félicia looked at us. ,, If you don’t sell it, what do you need it for?” the boy asked. ,, We time travelling with it.” Said Jack proud. I rolled my eyes, he is 13 years old and he is acting like a baby. ,, Time travelling?” the boy looked at as if we told him that we were related to the King. However, if I thought about it, I can understand him. Their three children with a Pocket Watch in front of you and telling you that their travelled through time, I would also call them crazy. Félicia started looking at him. She was mad, I became the feeling that she could poised him with her green eyes any moment. ,, Are you coming with us or not?” she asked. The boy just looked in her eyes and said ,, Well, keep playing you game. I have better things to do.” When he left, we decided to leave as well. Jack touched the Pocked Watch and the flashing light appeared again.