I was with Arthur and James again. Arthur eyes were me, his smile still here. It felt good to see.
"I'm back." I said making a smile on my own.
"How long were you gone?" James ask
"I don't know, a couple of days maybe... It was strange" Estimating the time in the Mind Realm seems complicated.
"Think you can teach us the skill?" When Arthur ask me that I tap my ring to know what was the skill details
Spirit Jump - You can jump to an area fifty meters away
Force Fist - You can channel your inner strength to your fist
Mind Anticipation - You can anticipate the flow of movements
"No I don't think I can, it's too abstract" Anticipate the flow of movement... paying attention I saw that I knew what steps the different people around us were going to make.
I stand and walk around while eating a piece of meat we took from the cow, seeing movements in advance was quite the feat, it made me a bit dizzy, I spew on the floor to try and wave away the sick sensation. It was gonna take some time to adapt it seems.
"All those level three and more are to assemble in warehouse number one please" someone shouted from nearby, I looked at my brothers who stands and started walking toward the warehouse, I follow wondering what this was all about.
Arriving at the fortune house I noticed that not many people were there, we were dozens give or take, I positioned myself next to Arthur and James and waited to see what was going to happen. A man with sharp feature position himself in front of the group, waiting for silence before talking
"Hello everyone, my name is Marle Gotsky, I don't know much more than you about the situation worldwide but concerning everything in a 100 km radius, no sign of civilization remains except the population. If you are here that means you have entered those mysterious Realms that the ring everyone got allow us to visit. I have information for you. I am level 4 with a Mind Realm level 4, during the task of my last visit to my Realm I found out that there are other species than us in the world now, we may not be able to see them for now but we must understand that as we level up, so are they, and as our Realm level up so is our environment."
"What do you mean by our environment?" I ask
"I mean this area where we live, it's level two now and with a level upgrade everyone level three or higher can enter the Realm of Zone 265 which is this area"
"And what is in this Realm?" someone asks nervously
"I don't know for sure but I expect there will be a battle"
Charles is on the bus to his university when suddenly everything vanishes, the population is all that remains, along with new clothes and a mysterious ring for everybody to carry. Time being even more relative than before, the world will have to adapt, Charles and his brothers quickly rise in understanding their new environment, but power comes with conflicts. Will they be able to overcome adversity where the rules of the strong will be forever stronger?
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