Maxwell makes his way towards the barrier. The barrier is located at the farthest end of the kingdom. As he enters the maintenance building that maintains the barriers power, he is approached by a worker asking him if he needs anything. "I'm here to inspect the current status of the barrier. Have to make sure its both ful operational and in the best condition." Said Maxwell. "Very well then. Allow me to show you around. I can assure you that everything is perfectly fine." Said the worker. As Maxwell is being escorted, he thinks back to when the group talked about the plan. The plan was for Maxwell to enter the maintenance building for the barrier and find the controls for the barrier. While inside, Vera would create a diversion to distract the people in the building. From there, Maxwell would disable the barrier and allow the shadow dragon to enter the city. "Heres the controls for the barrier that protects this city." Said the worker. "Remind me. This thing ensure that nothing can get in right?" Asked Maxwell. Before the worker could respond, an explosion could be heard from outside. Evacuation are immediatly enacted and every personel proceeded to exit the building. In the commotion, Maxwell took this opertunity to shoot the contols for the barrier with his fire pistol. The resulting fireball shot destoyed the controls and caused the barrier to deactivate.
Outside, the Shadow dragon makes his way towards the DRA HQ with Eren and Glacious on his back. Just then a massive serpent like creature emerged from the building with Vilhelm on its head. "Did you really think that you could stop my plans? You're nothing more than fools trying to be something your not!" Yell Vilhelm, who had gone mad with power. "If you think we'll just let you get away with what you're doing, think again!" Said Eren. The Shadow proceeded to charge at the undead light dragon. The two massive squared off, biting and clawing at eachother. Eren taking the oppertunity, leapt onto the light dragon and drew his sword. Eren and Vilhelm proceed to fight, Eren swinging his sword and Vilhelm guarding each attack with his staff. Glacious claws at the light dragon and firing his ice breath at the open wounds. The light dragon continues to sink its teeth into the Shadow dragon, each bite causes each injury to be infected with a rotten pain. The Shadow dragon fires his shadow breath hoping to hit the undead beast. The light dragons agility allows it to dodge the attacks. Glacious is then knocked off the light dragon as it pins the Shadow dragon.
Meanwhile, Ellena and Vera are trying to evacuate the civilians from the area. Suddenly, they are approached by other dragon riders. "Hey! You there! We got an injured citizen here in need of medical attention!" Yelled one of the riders pointing at Ellena. Ellena goes to check on the citizen and sees that both legs are broken, one of the legs had exposed bone. Ellena began to concentrate her mana into her magic. The magic proceed to move the bone back into the leg. Once the bone was fully in the leg, Ellena ended up stitching the open wound before pouring a powerful healing potion on it. From there, she bandaged the leg just in time for other medical professional take the citizen away. While the paramedics dragged the citizen away, Maxwell rushs yowards Ellena and Vera. Ellena explains how Eren and Glacious are in need of assistance but Ellena and Vera are too busy helping civilians. Maxwell decides to assist Eren in the fight while Inferno helps out Glacious. Maxwell calls Inferno and the two head out to join the fight against Vilhelm.
This page turned out to be not as long as I thought, but damn it took longer to make than the previous one. Things are heating as the final battle goes on. Also dragon fighting dragon is cool.
In the plant Gaia, there lies a continent known as Feros. Feros is home to many creatures and people. Within the center of the continent, there lies a massive city, one that has managed to coexist with nature. Peace lasted in this city until a massive Shadow dragon began attacking the city’s barrier. When the attacks began, the Dragon Riders Association(DRA) sent out dragon riders to investigate. The story follows Eren Frost and his ice drake, Glacious to find the cause of the Shadow dragons rampage and hopefully calm the beast.
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