As I entered the soldier’s chambers, I noticed that inside the room were a bunch of other quarters. All with names on them, probably the soldier’s assigned rooms. The rooms started in alphabetical order, and since there were no soldiers that had a name that started with A because nobody would dare change their name even after becoming an imperial soldier. My room number was room one on the first floor. As I unlocked my door for the first time, I heard someone calling my name from behind me, “Ahara! Over here” waved Bryn,
“Hey, guys, what are you all doing here?” I asked, happy to see them.
“We came to celebrate that you didn’t get kicked out or beheaded by the queen” mumbled Max
“Don’t mind him Ahara, anyway, can we come in? We brought some of the best wine” smiled Josh, I smiled back and swung open the door to let them in.
“So you have the third room on the first floor, lucky,” said Bryn as she dove onto the bed.
“Bryn, you do know that you are on the first floor too right?” I laughed
“Yeah but still, I’m in room 205. That’s so much walking!”
We all laughed as Bryn went on to complain more about how large the palace was. “So Ahara, I’ve seen your swordsmen ship and they are far beyond anyone here. Do you mind me asking how you got this good?” asked Josh curiously.
“Just practice and concentration I guess” I responded while taking a swig of my wine.
“That can’t be all to it. Out on that field, I saw you pull a move that I’ve never seen in my life!”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you. There’s no secret, just practice and concentration”
“Well you’re going to win tomorrow, so mind maybe at least don’t kill me?”
“No promises” I chuckled. The night flew by pretty quickly after then. At around midnight everyone decided that it would be best to go back to their rooms and sleep it off, Bryn had gotten hammered, which was no surprise there, and Max was just lightly buzzed. I guess Josh and I were the only ones with good alcohol tolerance. “See you at the training grounds Ahara,” said Josh as he carried both Bryn and Max out. I smiled and gave them a quick wave before closing my door then walking to the bathroom to get washed up and changed for bed.
I slumped onto my bed and raised my arm, placing it under my damp hair. Tomorrow morning I have to get up at 4:30 to get ready and meet Asher at the best greenhouse. Just thinking of his name makes me want to punch him right in his dumb face. I shake my head and then close my eyes to rest up for tomorrow.
I sprung up from my bed right when my alarm went off, “4:30 a.m.” I groaned. Rolling out of bed, I walked to my armour stand and grabbed my uniform. In the bathroom, I splashed my face with cold water to wake me up a little more. I brushed my teeth and then put on my shirt and armour. Before I left, I took my sword that was leaned up against my bed, then I headed out and locked the door behind me.
The palace was so huge that I kept getting lost in the identical bright hallways. Finally, I saw a maid pushing a cart down the hall, “Excuse me, where is the east greenhouse?” I asked her, “Go down this hallway, turn left at the first corner and there will be a dead-end, but keep walking and you will find the east greenhouse” she responded quietly but politely. Mildly confused I thanked her and then continued on my way up until the first turn like the maid instructed me to. Peaking my head from behind the wall I saw the dim hall end with a darkly dyed tapestry hanging from it. I could only hear the sound of my feet scruffing up to the wall. It looks just like a regular wall. I slowly reached my hand forward and applied a bit of force to the wall, and almost immediately the wall flipped pushing me to the other side. The force of the door caused me to stumble forward a little bit, when I regained my footing I looked up and saw the most beautiful greenhouse ever. The luscious sound of birds chirping and water trickling. All the plants were a different shade of green and the luminous rays of sun seeped in from the frosted glass. “You’re five minutes late,” said a voice from behind me.
“Not my fault that this place is too hard to find” I turned to face Asher with a mocking smile on my face. His carmel brown hair and stupid hazel eyes were lit by the sun that seeped through the windows. He had broad shoulders that was connected to a slender waist and long legs.
“I’ll remind you that you’re talking to a prince, so I suggest you check your tone”
I bit back a snarky remark and responded with a simple nod. Asher scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Let’s just go” grumbled Asher as he walked away.
He led me to the front of the palace where we entered a large room outside near the gates. “Tell the blacksmith your name, age, and date of birth. I’ll wait out here” spoke Asher. I nodded and headed inside. “Hello! I’m Milly. What brings you in today?” asked the young girl, busy with another task, “I’m here to obtain a soldier I.D.” I answered as I watched her swift hand sharpen another soldier's sword. Milly paused from her work then turned to face me, “Ahh, you must be the soldier that the queen informed me about. Ahara was it?” She smiled.
“Yes, that’s me”
“So, what is your date of birth, age, and full name?” asked Milly, holding a little notepad and pencil.
“My name is Ahara Young, I’m 18, and I was born on October 25th, 2003”. Milly nodded then went to the workshop in the back. I walked around the large room admiring all the weapons strung to the wall. Swords, bows, arrows, spears, and axes are all there. You name it, they had it all. “Nice right? These are the weapons of fallen soldiers who have given their lives doing something extraordinary to help their fellow soldiers or high ranks. It's called our Memorial Hall,” explained Milly as she slid my I.D. across the counter.
“Well, what about the other soldiers who have died on the battlefield?” I asked, walking over and picking up my new I.D., I was soldier 78654, “The other fallen soldiers have been buried in the palace memorial center” sighed the little girl. “Thank you, I’ll take my leave now,” I said holding up my card.
“Oh and one more thing,” said Milly.
“I collect and study all sorts of different swords, do if you have one in mind I could-”
“It’s alright, I’ve already obtained one”
I shifted my body a little so Milly could catch a glance at my sword.
“Wait, isn’t that sword-” Milly started.
“I’ve got to go, I don’t want to be late for my first day of training,” I said. The little girl waved at me with a big smile on her face as I waved back hearing the jingle of bells as the door opened.
“I see you took your time in there” Asher spoke out of annoyance.
“Holy crap!! What are you a cat? Make some noise next time” I said startled.
“Well, we don’t have a lot of time. You have to make it to the field by 6 a.m. and it's already 5:46 and if you don’t make it to training on time, you’ll be flogged one hundred times”
“This place is worse than prison,” I rolled my eyes.
“If you don’t like it, then you can leave, nothing’s keeping you here,” glared Asher.
But he was wrong.
Asher brought his hand out demanding I hand over my card. I placed it in his delicate hand and he put it in his pocket then walked away.
As we neared the training grounds I could hear the sound of metals clanging and soldiers cheering. My eyes lingered on the pocket in which he placed my I.D. in. Somehow, I had to get it back. Without it, proceeding with my plans would be too complicated.
Reaching the front gates, a couple of soldiers opened the entrance to the arena. Inside was huge, as expected. I could get used to this kind of place.
“Ahara over here!” called out a familiar voice. It was Brynn and Max walking toward us. “Hey guys, where's Josh?” I asked,
“He’s picking out his weapon for your duel,” answered Max.
“Yep! You should get down there too Ahara it's almost time for role call,” Bryn chimed in. The four of us all walked down from the bleachers to join the other soldiers. Asher turned and took his seat on a bench to watch, leaving Bryn, Max, and I to find Josh in the crowd of people.
“Psst- Guys, over here” whispered Josh.
“Hey, what's going on? Why hasn't the duel started yet?” I whispered back.
“We’re just doing roll calls, then we’ll begin the duel.”
I nodded then turned straight and stiffened like a stone as the colonel walked onto the arena. The colonel walked up and down the rows of soldiers inspecting them one by one. He picked out one soldier who hadn’t put on all his armour and sent him to run twenty laps. As he walked down my row I could feel his sharp glare trail from my head to my feet then move on, while he passed I caught a glimpse of his nametag, “Colonel Wilson.”
“Alright, guys! Pair up and grab your weapons, if you know what to do then get moving. If you’re new here, well ask someone else” yelled Colonel Wilson. I peaked over at Josh who was already starting to head over, “So Ahara, what weapon are you going to use for our fight?” asked Josh,
“I’m using this,” I pointed to my sword strapped to my back.
“Alright then, let's get going. I’ll use a sword too” smiled Josh with excitement. We both took our spots near the entrance where Asher was sitting so he could get a front-row seat. “Hey, Asher!” waved Josh frantically.
“Will you guys just start the duel already? I’ve been sitting here forever and I have work to do,” mumbled Asher. I rolled my eyes, unsurprised by his arrogance, then moved so I was facing Josh. “Ready?” asked Josh. I slid my left foot back into position and I readied my stance. “Bring it.”
Josh bounced off the ground and slid his right foot in front ready for an attack. With little effort, I blocked it using my forearm then grabbed his leg in midair and slammed his body onto the ground. “Ahh- you win I forfeit” squirmed, Josh. “come on Josh you’re not even trying” Readying my position again.
I looked back at Asher who seemed unaffected by the situation. “Wanna go again using weapons?” I suggested. “Why not, just remember this is just a friendly duel,” grunted Josh. “Whatever you say, buddy.” We bumped fists then took a few steps back placing our swords in a front guard. Again Josh made the first move and this time it isn’t as reckless. He lunged forward then pivoted to the left swinging his sword to my side. I blocked the attack and led his sword over my head to the ground using my blade. Taking a little jump, I stepped onto his shoulder and pushed myself off flipping back into the air and landing facing his back. Maneuvering my left leg, I attempted to sweep his feet but he jumped into the air before I could get the chance. While Josh was still in the air I kicked my right foot at him, sending him a couple of meters back and crashing onto the ground. Before Josh could get up and counterattack, I lunged forward and stepped over him with my sword directed at his throat.
“I win” I smiled, withdrawing my blade and skipping away, “Ahara wait, I want one more match” coughed Josh. Nodding in agreement, we both touched fists again, then placed our swords vertically in front of our faces. This time I made the first move by fading a couple of meters then using my back leg that I had planted onto the ground to spring off of it. With my vicious speed, I could attack Josh from anywhere without even giving him time to even blink.
I ran straight at him then when I stood a couple of meters from reaching him, I pivoted to the left using the same playbook he tried on me but this time, I’m adding in another move. As I pivoted on my left leg, I used my sword as a diversion. I spun my sword in my hand till the blade until I had it upside down in my palm, driving my sword back into his stomach. Josh deflected it pretty easily but was unaware that my right foot was the real attack until it had connected to the back of Josh’s neck. Josh let out a loud yelp as his body made contact with the floor once again.
I bent down to help him up, “Are you alright-” I began. Josh suddenly forcefully slammed his head back colliding with mine. I had to admit, I didn’t see that one coming. But the match wasn’t over yet. At this point, the arena had cleared up. All the other soldiers who were supposed to be training were watching us. The blow to my head had caused me to stumble back a few inches. I brought my hand to my face to touch the thick dark liquid flowing down from my bruised nose. My hand had been dripping blood when I brought it back down. A smile slowly started to form on my bloodied face. “Ahara?” spoke Josh. He took a couple of steps forward. As soon as I noticed that he was in range. I darted my head up and pushed my arms over onto his shoulders to jump over him, grabbing his head and thrusting his body forward as I came back down to the ground, having no control over my body. Josh launched backwards into the wall of the arena. “Ahhh!” shouted Josh as he collided with the wall. As soon as I heard Josh yell I immediately realized what I had done. This wasn’t the first time my bloodlust had taken over. My fury faded and the grin on my face disappeared as I looked over in Josh’s direction. “Josh!” I screamed running over to him. “Josh! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I frantically asked, trying to help him up, “I think so,” he groaned. “Ahara!” yelled a fierce voice from behind me.
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