The second issue is up and this time, there will be action and superheroes punching the daylights out of villains and so on and not just character talking to each other all the time! Promise!
The cover is also inspired by one of the covers for the comic adaptation of the animated show “Batman: The Brave and The Bold” which by the way is one of the funnier animated shows of Batman ever made. I wish that they could make at least one more season of it.
I will start on issue three and it might take me up to a month to sketch the storyboards and then sketch pages ahead before I start inking them. But in the meantime, I do hope that you loved this comic as much I've making it despite the shortcomings I had to endure.
Follow Emily Thompson aka Goldstar with the power of photokinetic constructs (the ability to create constructs from solid golden light) as she endures her rough debut as a superheroine...
When she had to study for test at college.
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