As they waited impatiently for the next guard to enter, Eric thought up some very difficult mind teasers to keep the two of them on their toes.
"I spy with my little eye, something that is.... Grey." Said Eric, looking around. He looked towards Songrin
Songrin was laying his head on the stone wall behind them, eyes closed. He begrudgingly answered,".... The wall?"
"Ok, can you read minds?"
"Ok but like, you didn't even look around and got the right answer."
Songrin held up 3 fingers, "the first answer was the ceiling, the second was the floor, the third was the window. You're kinda out of anything else."
Eric shook his head, "Nah you're just psychic."
Songrin smirked, "believe what you wish."
After an awkward silence, Eric continued, "So.... Where did you come from?"
Songrin flicked his hand lazily, "North."
"...North, where?"
"Look I'm sure they are trying to find us out in there, I'm not very comfortable sharing information about myself when there are people trying to find my life story."
Eric swears he heard a sigh of disappointment behind the door to where the guards came from.
Eric shifted his weight in boredom, "Well if I may ask a question-"
"A question? That's a first" Songrin said sarcastically.
Eric continued, "Why did you say the money you got was 'just silver' back there?"
Songrin paused for moment, leaned forward and opened his eyes. "What do you mean?"
"Well.... You held up that sack of money and said it was 'just silver.'"
"Yeah? All it had was silver in it?" Songrin tilted his head in confusion.
Eric looked towards him, and continued,"Sorry I shouldn't have brought it up but... you say it like it was nothing."
Songrin was silent for a long moment. "I-.... I didn't mean it was nothing but..." Eric could tell Songrin was thinking over his words.
"Im sorry, I don't mean to sound vain or spoiled, however I may have come from money... that's all I'll say about that right now." Songrin layed his head back against the wall.
As Eric let that sit, he noticed Songrins ear twitch.
"Oh yeah, they're totally listening." He whispered
Eric quieted down, "how can you tell?"
"Just heard a shift behind the door, followed by footsteps. They just heard I came from money, but like that's a lot of people so oh well." Explained Songrin
"...are they there now?" Asked Eric
"No, why?"
"Well it's only fair if I share a bit of my backstory. You not a fan of origin stories?" Said Eric with a sly smile
"Can't say they're my favorite but go ahead." Songrin said returning the smile
"Well, I've been on the road for... gods..... 9 years? Yeah, 9 years. 10 in about a month." Eric said, trying to do math in his head
"Damn bro, you on the run or something?"
"Actually, not too far off. It's kinda like if-" Eric paused when he saw a cut off motion from Songrin.
Songrin winked at Eric and loudly said, "Wow, your from down SOUTH huh?"
Eric paused, "that's not helping, that's where I'm actually from." Whispered Eric
"...Shit." A silent moment passed, and Songrin's ear finally rested, "Well, they're gone now."
"Which one is listening to us?" Asked Eric
Songrin turned towards him, "My hearing isn't that precise man. It's just good, not pinpoint."
"Bruh, not to be offensive, but frickin elves get better things in all categories than humans like me."
Songrin smirked, "Your not entirely wrong. Long life, great hearing-" he looked at Eric with a swish of his hair, "Beauty!"
"Pfft, oh shut up" Eric chuckled
He leaned his head back against the wall, "However, you are still wrong. Did you know elves are near-sighted?"
"Wwwwwhat?!??" Eric gasped
"Yeah, it varies in intensity, but all elves are at least slightly near sighted."
"But- but like what about the fantastical elven archer stories?!?!"
"Well, even when near sighted, hundreds of years of practice definitely helps catch up to that stuff." Songrin said with a shrug, "So yeah, we having amazing everything except eyes."
"Why haven't I heard of this?" Asked Eric
Songrin did a breath out his nose laugh, saying, "Well we elves sure love to keep up an image as superior. I'm not even gonna lie, we love to do that. Now, the perfect lifeform being nearsighted is a little embarrassing."
"How bad is your sight?" Questioned Eric
Songrin stayed silent, not meeting his gaze
Eric paused. "In that case I just have one more question."
Songrin sat up, "yeah? What's that?"
Eric held up his hand, "how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Oh you son of a bitch!" Yelled Songrin
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