When they awaken, the thirst for blood is present, and they come face to face with the mythical being known as Dracula.
DRACULA: I have been resting for centuries, you awoken me ... and now I must hunt! ...and I must create an army to hunt with me!
Later that evening, The Devil Woman begins to sense something is off, and goes back to the castle, and as she approaches she sees something she feared, the film crew who decided to film that castle have awoken something, and are now ....Living Vampires, in need of human blood.
DEVIL WOMAN: Once they start biting people, this whole town will become vampires!
A documentary film crew tries to make a film about an abandoned ancient castle, not realizing its history. When Dracula awakens , the city becomes overrun with vampires. When a vampire bites The Devil Woman, it creates Demon Vampire Mutations. The only way to stop them? … The spear of her tail through their hearts!
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