After the Darkness, a magical apocalyptic event, devoured the world, only one place remains; Din’Lux, the City of Lights. There, in what is known as the Scholar’s Tower, wandering souls of the deceased are captured and built into magically-powered robots called revenants.
Phaeon is reborn as a revenant, but quickly becomes the target of their creator after being the first to regain memories of their past life. On the run, they’ll cross paths with a group of unlikely adventurers, known as the First Expedition, who are tasked to be the first to explore the mysterious land transformed by the Darkness. What mysteries lie in the ravaged lands beyond Din'Lux's walls ... and within Phaeon's past?
From the minds of Arcane, the Witcher, God Game, & more comes a new dark-fantasy adventure, based on the Kinfire Board Game.
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